Chapter 3: Shadow Past

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*knock, knock*

Mingyu- Y/n? It's dinner.

You wake up groggily, and yawn. The pain in your side has diminished significantly and you feel the magical essence in you flowing more strongly in your bloodstream.

You change to an off-shoulder dark red dress, flowing down to the floor.

You wear gold dagger pointed earrings. And a snake bracelet that wraps around your forearm. You let your dark brown hair flow down and slightly curl it. You wear gold heels with golden wraps. You smile and open the door.

You walk gracefully to the dining room, and as you enter you see the men's jaws drop

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

You walk gracefully to the dining room, and as you enter you see the men's jaws drop.

S.Coups- Wow Y/n you look like a goddess.

y/n- thank you.

Dinner was composed of pork chops and potatoes with green beans and asparagus.

Afterwards, the boys suggest playing Mario Kart. The first bunch to go up are Woozi, The8, Mingyu, and DK.

2 mins in. . .

Hoshi- Yah DK why are you so slow?

DK- I'm trying ok? The turns are really hard.

Meanwhile. . .

Woozi - yah Mingyu, that banana peel wasn't very nice!

Mingyu- wahoo i'm first

The8- meh. As long as I am not last.

The races continue relatively peacefully until, Jun and Jeonghan are pit against each other.

Ready set Go!

Jun- ha first!

Jun--0_0 ?!!!!

Jun- Yah that's cheating!!

Jeonghan- hehe. ( he cuts the track and rides over the grass)

Now Jeonghan is first.

Jun gets a boost.

Jun- that's what you get.

Jeonghan- heh watch this! (cheats again)

Jun- Yah! (catches up)

Final lap.

DK- Jun you're first! Keep the lead.

Hoshi- let's go Jun!

At the final meters,

Jeonghan- LET ME DROP THE HIT SOUND!!! Hits Jun spiralling out of control.

Jun- *shocked*

Jeonghan- I win!

Jun- pouts. Not fair!

S.Coups- it's alright Jun I'll get you some ice cream.

Jun - yay!

You smile and quietly slip back to your room. You change into black shorts and a black tank top. You sit quietly on the soft rug.

Y/N eomma, appa. . . why did you leave? I can't control my powers without you. Please come back.

Your words hit empty air. Somewhere, you know they are dead. You don't want to admit it but you feel a tear fall out. It hits the floor.

Unknownst to you, there is someone watching you. He peeps from the medic room, his light brown hair catching the moonlight. 

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