Descent Into Hades

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The portal decides to spit you guys out on the banks of the Styx. a.k.a the most miserable place on earth. The banks are grey sand, and withered trees dot the landscape. A large river separates two banks, and you can faintly see the outline of a castle in the distance. Moans sound and you catch shadows of lost souls wandering the bank. You shiver, and grip Lisa's hand more tightly.

The8-it stinks!

Mingyu-like the dead.

Jennie-that's because the dead live here you dummy!

Jisoo-I must say this is the most dreary land, I have ever walked on!


Lisa-yechhh Look over there. (points. You nearly hurl at the sight of piled bones)

y/n- where should we go now?

Jihyo-we need to find Hade's castle. 

Vernon-and where is that?

Jihyo- across this river.

y/n-if that is the case, then let's just wade over. It looks shallow enough.

You step out but Lucas grabs your arm.

Lucas-Pabo-yah, the Styx river will dissolve you like acid.


S.Coups-where is Charon?

Jihyo-I noticed that as well.

Y/n-who is Charon?

Ten stares at you in shock.

Ten-seriously? You don't know?

Lisa glares at the Mer.

Lisa-oh shut up Ten! y/n, Charon is the ferryman of the dead.

y/n-but we aren't dead!

Lisa-true, but his boat is the only way across this river.

y/n-and if he isn't here?

Kun-we will be stuck here just like those poor souls. (points)

A ragged band of ghosts stumble toward you, and you are horrified at their appearance. Rags hang from their skeletal bodies, and their eyes sink in their skull. They stagger around like zombies and groan inaudible words. Their hands grope forward and they continue their horror march down the bank, totally ignoring you. 

Rosé-ok. . .let's start looking shall we?

Jihyo leads your band along the grey shores, and soon you reach a boat. Or what you think is a boat. The rotting object before barely seems strong enough to support itself yet alone the fifteen of you!

 The rotting object before barely seems strong enough to support itself yet alone the fifteen of you!

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y/n-that? We are riding that?

Jennie-it looks worse than when Jisoo-unnie and I had to go down here for a research project.

Jisoo-I know right.

Jihyo steps forward.


A small rustle sounds behind the boat. An old man staggers out. And by old, I mean ancient. The tattered cloak oversized the man's bony shoulders, and his hat covers nearly down to his eyes. A white beard flows down into his chest, and you notice that his sandals are nearly unwearable.

Charon-when will mortals stop coming to the underworld? The dead are for the dead. The living should stay with the living. Good bye!

y/n-ok. . .what a grouch!

Jihyo grabs the old man's arm.

Charon-let go mortal!

Jihyo-Charon, I am not a mortal.

Charon spins around the hat nearly tumbling off. Jihyo shows him her locket. He bows stiffly.

Charon-my sincere apologies.

Jihyo-all is well. Do you mind taking me and my friends across? 

Charon grunts.

Charon-how many?


Charon- you have the money?

Vernon sighs.

y/n-what was that for?

Vernon-the old rat still over-charges us.

Charon-business young man. Business.

Vernon huffs.

Jihyo-Jisoo? The bag please.

Jisoo hands a scruffy bag and Charon snatches it.

Charon-hmmm. 1, 2, 3 obolus. . .

Wonwoo growls.

Wonwoo-we paid the amount.

Charon-well done! You have paid enough. Everyone welcome aboard!

You stare at the rotting log, creaking and groaning.


Charon rolls his eyes.

Charon-are you staying with the lost souls on this bank, or going across?

y/n-across, I guess. 

Lisa grips your shoulder.

Lisa-don't worry it won't sink.

y/n-if you say so.

The fifteen of you board the boat, and Charon begins to pull a long rod, the boat inches forward and you huddle in the rickety boat. The air begins to become cold, and Rosé perks up.

Rosé-omg. Is it just me or is it starting to get really cold?

Mingyu nods, and you are startled to notice his breath being visible due to the cold air.

Lucas-c'mon man, can't we go any faster? My scales are going to fall off!

Ten nods.

You feel an object covering you.

Y/n-w-hat? Wa-s. . . th-at?

You turn and notice that a jacket has been draped over you. Vernon's jacket.

y/n-Ver-non. . .no. you have t-o take i-t back.

Vernon- no. you-r nose is go-ing to fall o-ff.

he is trying to not stutter, but you notice his shoulder shaking.

y/n-you-re cold.

Vernon-no. Keep i-t.

You sigh.

Suddenly Lisa speaks. 

Lisa-Headmistress? Look, north.

Jihyo-we are approaching.

The air begins to warm, and you are able to speak normally again.

y/n-approaching what?

Jihyo-the house of Hades. 

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