A Debriefing

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The woman was a mishap, with the right side of her body looking perfectly human. The left side was monstrous, with bones showing, and her eye was red. She wore half black and half white dress, with a half bone crown and half flowers. By her side was a bowl full of pomegranate seeds,

Jihyo-My lady.

Persephone-Lady Jihyo.

Jihyo-Please my Lady. Do not doubt. Standing before you, is the true Heir. She wears the Locket of Earheart, and her staff is from the house of Darkblood. With this she hands you your iron staff.

Persephone looks dis-interested, and you wonder why.

Jihyo-we are here to help, to lift the curse.

Persephone sits unmoving. She finally beckons with her left hand, which is skeletal.

A handsome man steps forward, his blond hair and cold eyes cutting into you.

Persephone-Seongwha. Prepare them for the mission, I will leave fate to decide if they are speaking the truth or not.

The man nods, and heads down a corridor implying for you to follow him.

Seongwha-Men, stay in the great hall. Women follow me.

You turn to Vernon, who gives you a small smile.

Another man steps from the darkness, his sharp jaw reminding of you of a knife. He shakes his red and black hair and leads the men down another corridor.

Seongwha shows Blackpink, Jihyo and you to a large dimly lit room.

Seonghwa-You will stay here for the mean time. Do not go to any other room beside your own. Everything you need is in this room and the two side rooms. If you need any assistance. . .

He walks over to a silver bell.

Seonghwa-ring this, and either me or my brothers will come. Any questions?

You shake your head.

Seonghwa-You better rest. The journey ahead of you is long and tiresome. 

Y/n-How hard?

Seonghwa-You will either return victorious or dead.

The door closes.

Jennie-what a cheery fellow.

Lisa huffs and walks over to the dark wool bed.

Lisa-I am so tired. I think I could sleep for a millenia.

Jihyo sits on one of the stone chairs and smooths the creases of her white gown.

Rosé-omg, what is wrong with these people?

You glance at her, where she is rummaging through the closet.

Rosé-black, black, black!

Jisoo-Rosé, what's the matter?

Rosé-this is just depressing. Who wears just black all day? It's not a funeral 24/7.

You smile and walk over to Jihyo.

Y/n-Jihyo, what is this mission?

Jihyo smiles sadly at you.

Jihyo-the ten entities have ⅓ of their souls hidden around their significant site of worship such as their temples. You must find each of the souls and re-unify each God to their souls. If you are the true Heir the entities will be unable to hurt you even in their full form. If you are not, then they will kill you. The task of Gea is nearly impossible because so far every challenger has been killed.

You gulped.

Ares-Sorry Kid. 

Nyx-Gea's orders.

Eris-nothing personal.

y/n-How many challengers have gone before me?

Jihyo-About 23 or so.

Lisa joins you.

Lisa-they were all from the household of Darkblood and Scarr. We thought every time that we had the solution, but they all failed.

Jihyo-You are our last hope Y/n.

Y/n-wait, why? Even if I die, won't another successor be born?

Lisa-No. The 600,000th anniversary of the Schism (the breaking of the alliance) is approaching. If you are unable to succeed then, Gea will remove our existence from all history.

Y/n-ok, c'mon, I get that she is mad and all, but the two most powerful supernatural beings exterminated? C'mon.

Jihyo-Gea created Echidna, the mother of all monsters. I have no doubt that she could wipe us out too.

Y/n- how bad will the damage be?

Jihyo-everything will be gone, structures, writings, lore, families, paintings, and even memories of us.

Lisa-It will be like we didn't exist.

Y/n-If that is so, then will I be gone as well?


Y/n-alright. How much time do we have?

Lisa-about 1 month.

Y/n-oh that's not bad. . .

Lisa-for all ten entities.


Rosé-don't worry, Y/n-ah we will be with you.

Y/n-thanks guys.

Seventeen: A Demonic Prophecyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें