Chapter 1: New Beginning

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A Young vampire roamed the streets of Seoul, late at night grumbling as he searched for prey. Vernon spat on the ground, and he was relieved that the artificial tasting liquid left his mouth. The blood bags were disgusting! Fresh prey was much better.

Vernon - ugh, why aren't there any humans out right now?

Yuna-Dad,please stop!

Jinyoung-like heck i will. I knew you weren't human.

Yuna: - dad please, she's my friend.

Ryujin- leave, Yuna, she was never really with you.

Jinyoung- away demon.

Yeji- dad she has never really hurt us. . .

Jinyoung- what garbage. This is a monster and it deserves to die.

Yuna- dad no!!!

Vernon watches from the side alleyway. The girl/demonessa cowers in defeat.

Vernon- impossible. . . that species is extinct.

And yet there she was, as Jinyoung poured a vial over her, she hissed in pain. Smoke began to form and when it dissipated, the human figure had morphed. Slender horns and a long pointed tail. Her nails had grown to sharp claws. Yet she was beautiful, her red eyes brimmed with tears.

Yeji- my God, she is so pretty. Dad you don't have to do this do you?

Ryujin smacks her head.

Ryujin- idiot, how many times do i have to tell you? She is a monster, and nothing else.

Vernon thinking it's safe slips out of the shadows.

Lia- appa!!!!

Jinyoung: NOT NOW Lia!!!

Chaeyoung- vampire!!

Jinyoung-whirls around.

Jinyoung- so you want to die too?

Vernon hisses. He hated when humans had the audacity to think they were so powerful. It drove him mad. Vernon lunged toward Jinyoung and Lia screamed.

The two wrestled on the ground snarling and biting.

Unknown point of view----they were fighting. A vampire child and Jinyoung. I looked toward Yuna. She was crying and trying her best to escape to you. Chaeryong held her back. Yeji gave you pitiful glances and mouthed sorry. You yourself were breathing heavily, you eyes stinging from the potion Jinyoung had poured on you. A loud crash sounded and your eyes flickered open.

Jinyoung had thrown a trash can at the vampire hitting him in the head. He groaned and rolled over. A panic set in your chest. No not another one. You couldn't have someone else die because of you. Not again.

????? (incants a spell for fire.)

JInyoung- you should have stayed where you were. . . aughhhh! WTF

A white flame erupts in his face , evolving to a fiery serpent it hisses and lunges at him.

Ryujin- you Bitch!!

Yeji- Ryujin NO!

Ryujin draws a dagger though you can't see it because you are exhausted from casting the spell.

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your side, you look down to see a dagger impaling your side, Ryujin stands over smirking.

Yuna wails from the side, while Yeji does her best to console her.

You feel weaker, and begin to lose consciousness. A blurry shadow rushes in and you hear more distant shouting. Someone picks you up.

???? Hold on just a little longer . . . stay with me. 

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