The Hidden Library

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You reach the end of one shelf, and in front of it is a magnificent tapestry. It is woven from Red and gold thread, weaving a beautiful dragon. Tassels hung at the ends, and small glitters speckled the fabric.

y/n-Wow. . .( touches it )


y/n- what the?

You slip your hand behind the tapestry and you *gasp

There is a large, thick, wooden door, with an iron ring for a doorknob. Cobwebs cover part of it and dust litters the ground.

y/n- will this open?

You pull gently on it.


y/n- aishh.

You close your eyes.

???? yes. Yes! y/n go there. You must see. . .

y/n-(spell for walking through walls)

You place your hand on the door and you feel it slide through the door like air. You step your whole body through. You step out to see a large stone chamber covered with scrolls, manuscripts and texts. The shelves are carved from stone and unlit torch holders hang around the room. An old dilapidated chair sits in the middle accompanied by a rusted inkstand.

y/n- did a scribe use this room?

You tentivaley touch one of the books. A cloud of dust flies out and you cough. The cover is faded but you can see the dark red coloring. You plop down onto the worn carpet on the ground and try to find a lit spot.

y/n- aish. This won't work. (incants spell for fire)

A loud jet comes out.

y/n- no! Not that much. (flame shrinks )

You let go and a small ball of fire follows you providing light.

y/n- The Tale of Fangs.

You open the page and are surprised at the beautiful illustration.

y/n- a demon and vampire?

Book opening-

In the early stages of earth, monsters lived with humanity. The most powerful were the demons. These beings aided humanity at times and were typically secluded. In the 666th month of the moons rising, a demonessa (Circe Darkblood) and a vampire (Bryson Scarr) fell in love. This marriage was the beginning of a long alliance. For many more moons peace reigned over the earth. Now, the human population had boomed, and superstition of other beings had become worse. A mass genocide began, and soon the remaining demons fled into hiding. The humans, enraged, targeted the vampires next. A vampire prince, (Tarlac Fangston) decided to give the remaining population of demons in his kingdom to the humans. None of them survived. Feeling betrayed, the demons cut the alliance. The vampires exiled Tarlac, and begged forgiveness, to no avail. The demons retreated from earth and placed a curse on the vampires. That one day humans will massacre them all unless a demon should step down to earth and rekindle the alliance. The demon/demonessa but be from the bloodline of Circe, and the vampire from Scarr. To see if he/she is the chosen one, they must present them to Persephone, the underworld queen. Vampires in the modern world have become very protective over any remaining demons. Unfortunately the last known demon died of human abuse. Alas, many think that this prophecy will never come true, because there hasn't been a single demon sighting for over 600,000,000 years. 

y/n- until, now.

Is this why Seventeen has been so secretive? because of this backstory? 

Seventeen: A Demonic ProphecyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum