The Texts of the Ancients

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Later that day. . .

Everyone Retired to their rooms. S.Coups and some of the older members have a meeting downstairs, and the younger members are relaxing. I can hear a small ruckus down the hall signifying that Jeonghan has probably cheated again. Vernon. . .well I actually don't know where he is. He is just so. . . quiet. I had finished my homework, and was bored to death. I had changed from my uniform into black sweats and a cropped hoodie. I opened my door and peeped out. The hall was quiet, except for the occasional shout from the youngsters room. I yawned and walked down the spiral staircase.

The grand living room was empty, the tv powered off. Small murmurings were heard to the left hallway, and I immediately realized that the meeting hall was down that way. To the right was the kitchen, and I didn't really want to go that way. Something drew me to the hallway straight ahead. I walked down the corridor and finally reached an oak door. I opened it with a grunt to reveal the wall?

y/n-what? Hold it.

You close your eyes and tap into your magic source.

???? it's a magic gate.

Y/n-yeah I know.


Y/n-uh huh.

I press my palm to the cold wall.

Y/n-(spell for open) 

Suddenly you feel a ripple beneath your fingertips. You open your eyes slowly to see that a (used to be invisible curtain) is slowly peeling away revealing a library behind the wall.

Y/n wow! But why would they hide this?

Suddenly, a shape flutters past you. You stare at the rune.

y/n the language of the ancients?

You follow the rune to a red leather bound book.

You open it and gasp.

Y/n-the history of the supernaturals...vampire, werewolves, sirens, mer-creatures. . . and Demons!

This library was filled with texts of the ancients!

You run to another aisle, this time selecting a green book.

Y/n-shadows-the art of poison.

A crescent shaped rune passes by you and you follow it to scroll.

Y/n- alphas, selkies, and other shapeshifters.

You take another scroll,

y/n-defense and offense practice for the magic arts.

You are so enamored by it that you fail to hear someone coming behind you.


y/n- aughhhh! (shoots a ball of fire) 

Vernon- yah! Watch it (deflects it with a magical shield)

y/n- what are you. . .

Vernon- no! I should be asking you that. How the heck did you get in here?

(grabs your arm)

y/n- yah Vernon, that hurts. Let me go!

Vernon- not happening.

He drags you to the living room, where you are horrified to see the other members.

DK- What happened?

Woozi- I heard screaming.

Mingyu- Is anyone hurt?


Dino- Calm down hyung.

Joshua- hold on, Y/n how did you get in there?

y/n (fidgets) -

Joshua(lower voice)- Y/n. . .

y/n- fine! I just opened it.

Seungkwan-how exactly did you open it?

y/n- magic. . .

Jeonghan-nice Y/n! You cheated the system!

Jun frowns.

S.Coups- Mingyu, Dino go close the barrier.

(they leave)

The8- did you see anything in particular?

Y/n- Yes. . .

The8- Which was?

y/n- the runes, scrolls, enchantments, the language of the Ancients.

Jun- grimaces*

Joshua-y/n you can't go back there, at least not now.

y/n- why? I saw my ancestral history in that library! Why are you being so secretive with it!

Joshua- I will explain later.

Y/n- Later??!!

Jeonghan- y/n-ah calm down.

y/n- calm down??!! I don't even know why I am here in the first place! I have literally nothing to do here because all you guys are too busy! Why am I even alive?!

Wonwoo- y/n-ah don't say that. . .

S.Coups-Wonwoo, Jeonghan take y/n to her room. Dk, Joshua, Seungkwan and Vernon my office now!

You are crying on the floor, when you feel strong arms pick you up.

Wonwoo-shhhh. It's okay.

He carries you to your room and gently lays you down.

Jeonghan- want me to get her a glass of water?

Wonwoo-yeah, that would be nice.

You punch the pillow in frustration.

A hand stops you.

Wonwoo- shhh. Sleep. Sleep.

Your breathing slows and you close your eyes, the last thing that you see is Vernon leaning on the doorpost watching you.

The moon is high when you awake from your sleep.

y/n- what. . .

Your head hurts like heck.

Joshua- ah, y/n you're awake.

He gently pushes you down.

Joshua-you should rest. The knockout potion will wear off in another hour or so.

Y/n- knockout potion???

You lay back and close your eyes, but something pricks the corner of your mind.

???? no, stay awake!

y/n- i am so tired. . .

???-wake up!!

You lie still, but your mind is fully awake.

(door clicks open and shut)

Vernon-you sure that she is asleep?

Hoshi- yeah her eyes are closed.

Vernon-hmmmm. Well check on her alright? We can't let her go back there. She can't know.

y/n-(know what?) 

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