The Hallucinations

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I stood outside of the cellar in Kaileb's house. Carmen was by my side, nervously swaying from side to side. I had no choice in telling her what was going on. Of course, though, I kept the secret about Sophia being part angel. That wasn't my secret to tell.

"I've never seen a spirit before," Carmen said as she held onto her brother's arm tightly, fidgeting from side to side.

"Well, now you will. Or possibly will. Spirits don't exactly like to be seen so they often hide." Kaileb explained before glancing over in my direction. "How do you feel?"

"Sweaty, feverish, but I mean.... At least I'm not growing antlers, right?" I said while cracking a smile.

"Antlers...?" Carmen questioned with a confused expression.

Kaileb chuckled, "It's nothing. Now, are you guys ready?"

Carmen and I nodded.

"Okay, here goes nothing." Kaileb took out a key from his back pocket and unlocked the lock of the cellar.

He pushed it open, and the minute he did, a cold gust of air hit us. I stumbled back in shock, "Whoa."

Carmen squealed and nudged her brother forward, "Okay.... That's a little creepy. Kaileb, you go in first."

Kaileb rolled his eyes, "You don't have to come with us." He said as he stepped on inside. I followed.

When I stepped inside, I immediately started to shiver. It was freezing. Absolutely frigid. I rubbed my arms in an attempt to get warm, "Geez. It's sort of cold down here, don't you think?"

"Yeah, it's the stupid spirits. They just love messing around with the temperature." Kaileb said as he motioned for me to follow him.

The cellar was dusty and cramped with old furniture. Spiderwebs laid decaying on every corner and crease it could find. It was obvious that nobody had come down here in ages.

"So, where is this supposed cure?" I asked as I brushed my finger along a book. When I glanced down to my finger, it was completely covered in thick gray dust. Gross.

"It should be in the back. When father left we put all of his things down here in a box," Kaileb explained before shouting, "Duck!!!"

"What--SMACK!" A book, out of no where, rammed into my cheek. I wobbled backwards in shock, trying to regain my footing, "OW!?!"

"I told you to duck, didn't I?" Huffed Kaileb as he shook his head. "Come on, this way--duck again."

This time, I did duck. I managed to avoid being hit by the two books being thrown at me. These spirits were sure annoying. I couldn't see them, which only irritated me more. They were hiding somewhere, and I could feel their presence, I just couldn't see them.

Spirits often hid their appearance from others. They prefer to be hidden, though, if they wanted to be seen, they could be visible. They, in a way, are like chameleons.

"I don't like this! It's scary!" Carmen cried out as she clung to her brother.

"Stop your crying. They can't hurt you." Kaileb said as he neared a bookshelf stacked with boxes.

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