The Plan to Capture the Demon

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"Are you serious? She is a teacher?" I grumbled as Carmen nodded.

"Great... Just great... How are we supposed to get answers out of a teacher?" Kaileb mumbled before shaking his head with a frown. "It's impossible."

"Way to go on the optimism," I mumbled sarcastically before tilting my head back in thought. "We have Carmen, so maybe... Carmen can ask her to meet her in private."

"Yeah, because asking my female teacher to meet me in private isn't weird at all," Carmen spoke sarcastically as she placed her finger on her lip in thought.

"Then what the hell do we do?" Kaileb grumbled this time, his eyes narrowing on the lockeroom door. "If the PE teacher is a freaking demon, than all the students are at risk, not just angels."

"True," I said as I nibbled on the inside of my cheek. "We should tell Raphael first. He'll know what to do."


"I have no idea what to do," Raphael said as he lounged back in his chair. After we explained that the demon was the PE teacher, we had spent hours trying to come up with how we should confront her.

"Oh, come on! You have to have an idea! Aren't you like... A gazillion years old?" Kaileb mumbled under his breath.

Raphael shot him a death glare before frowning. "I can maybe get her alone in the staff room. From there, I can hopefully get answers out of her."

"I want to come." I said before I was interrupted by Sophia tapping my back.

"What are you guys all talking about...?" Sophia asked quietly as she tilted her head.

I had purposely kept quite about the demon teacher. I didn't want to put Sophia in harms way, so, I convinced everyone to keep it hush hush. Of course... I guess our whispering to one another was a bit suspicious.

"Nothing much," I said as I forced a convincing smile.

"It's something... Why are you leaving me out of it?" She asked with a slight frown, which looked absolutely ridiculous on her face. She was too nice to frown.

"Because, he doesn't want to put you in 'harms' way." Blurted out Kaileb, before I had the chance to silence him.

"Hey!" I hollered as I smacked his arm.

"Are you guys doing something dangerous...?"

I guess there would be no reason to keep this from her. Thanks a lot, stupid half-demon.

"There is a demon at the school, and we have reason to believe, the demon is the PE teacher..." I explained quietly.

"Mrs. Odaire?" Sophia questioned before shaking her head, "No... Impossible. She's one of the most favorited teachers here. She can't be."

"Demons are decietful. Need proof? Take this demon here," I gripped Kaileb and yanked him foward, "He played the nice guy when we first met him. Everyone thinks he's some proper gentleman, but guess what, that was all an act. Demons are decietful."

Kaileb huffed as he slapped my hand away. "Stop grabbing me as you please, Angel boy." Huffed Kaileb.

"See, decietful." I said with a teasing grin.

"Shut up," Kaileb said as he glared at me.

"Oh, stop messing around, you two," interruped Carmen as she rubbed at her temples. "You guys are like children... I swear."

"Agreed," Raphael said as he sat forward in his seat. "Sophia, are you by any chance on good terms with the teacher?"

Sophia nodded, "I am, why...?"

"We can use you." Raphael said with a grin. "We can--"

"Absolutely, not," I interrupted as I protectively stood in front of Sophia.

Raphael sighed, "Gabriel, if she can help us--"

"No. She shouldn't get involved. Demon's are dangerous--"

"I'll do it." Sophia interrupted this time, her multi-colored eyes pleading as she stared up at me. "I want to help. Let me help."

Oh, god... Sophia is putting herself in danger, the exact thing I want to keep her away from!!! What do I do?

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