I'll Protect Sophia

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I laid back on Kaileb's bed, groaning, "I'm exhausted."

"You're exhausted? Tsk, who is  the one that got blasted by your weird ass light? That thing still hurts!" Kaileb huffed as he twirled on his desk chair, motioning with his hand down to his burned shirt. The whole front of his shirt was torn and his skin was turning red with purple bruised splotches.

"Stop complaining," Carmen said as she sat criss-crossed beside me.

"Like you're one to talk. Who was holding me because you were so scared of those silly spirits?" Kaileb questioned with a playful smirk.

I laughed. "I do feel bad for the spirits though. They shouldn't be trapped in a cellar, they should be up in Heaven?"

"How do they get up there?" Carmen asked as she peered at me with curiosity.

"Well, there are a group of angels that come down to get spirits. I guess they aren't doing their job because of the demons hunting angels." I explained with a sigh.

"So that's why they're still here," Kaileb mumbled to himself before sighing. "Do you think more demons are going to come after you?"

"Yes, no doubt about it." I said with a nod as I sighed. "That's why I didn't want to be near Sophia."

"That's stupid." Carmen said with the shake of her head. "You have to complete your mission, right? You can't let some stupid demons get in your way."

"I don't want any harm to come to Sophia."

"Then protect her." Carmen said simply with the shake of her head. "Boys can be so hardheaded sometimes."

Protect Sophia? Perhaps... I could do that. "Okay, I guess that could work." I said with a nod.

Carmen smiled before her phone rang. She glanced down at her phone, "Oh, looks like Sophia is wondering where you are. Perfect timing, she called."

"Huh? Sophia has your number?"

"Yep, we exchanged numbers earlier." Carmen said with a smile. "You should go back to her. She's worried."

I frowned in thought before nodding. "Alright. I guess I will."

Carmen was right. Just distancing myself from Sophia wouldn't solve any problems. Sophia was my mission, and if I wanted to become a professional angel, I would have to grant Sophia her wish.

Sophia, just you wait. I'll kick a thousand demon butts just to grant you friends! I promise.

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