I'm Hungry?

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I sat on the edge of the bed with my legs crossed. My energy was restored, but their was a weird pain in my stomach. "It hurts...." I grumbled as I heard a growl. A growl that came from my stomach?

"Are you hungry?" Sophia asked with a smile.

"That's right, what I gave you makes you hungry. I suggest you eat something, unless you want to feel lousy for the rest of the night." Raphael said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Uh, I'll eat then," I said with a nod.

"Can I borrow your kitchen? Please...?" Sophia asked as she glanced over to Raphael.

"Sure, I don't mind. Just don't touch any of the bottles in the fridge."

"I won't," Sophia nodded as she glanced over to Carmen. "Would you like to help me make food for Gabriel?" It seemed to me that Sophia was getting better at talking to others. I was glad.

"Gabriel?" Carmen asked, before nodding, "Sure! I'll help!" She grinned as she dashed on off to the kitchen with Sophia. She still couldn't see me, and she probably wouldn't for a while. I didn't want to go back into my solid form just yet. I didn't want to risk losing the energy I just gained back.

My stomach growled again. I never felt hunger before. It was... odd. The longer I stayed down here on Earth, the more human I felt. I could now feel hunger and pain, and though I can't say that either sensations are enjoyable, it's interesting to experience things that I've never experienced before.

"So...." I twiddled my thumbs together as I glanced up to the ceiling. Once Sophia left, it was became silent. An awkward eerily silence. Raphael didn't seem to mind it, but I, on the other hand, was bouncing up and down on the edge of the bed, just waiting for for someone to say something. So I did. "How do you know Kaileb?"

Raphael glanced over to the sleeping Kaileb before answering, "I came across him when he was a child. He was fighting with the other boys, lost, and was left hurt."

"So you helped him?" I asked, before frowning. "You're an angel though, right? Why help a demon?"

"A demon or not, he was a child that was hurt." Raphael said as he sprinkled gold liquid onto a few potted plants. Their dead petals shimmered before my eyes, a light white glow illuminating off the flower. When the shimmering faded, the petals were bright pink, back to their original color before they died.

"Wow! You really are amazing!" I grinned, "How did you learn to do all of that stuff?"

"Years of training." Raphael answered as he glanced to Kaileb, who only snored louder and louder as time went on.

"Years? How old are you? You're only like, 17 or 18, right?"

Raphael blinked, "Of course not." He smiled faintly before asking, "Surely you've heard about me in class."

"In class?" I repeated before tilting my head in confusion. Why would I have learned about him in class? Unless.... My eyes widened in sudden realization. "Whoa! Wait! You aren't the Raphael, are you?"

"Indeed, I am."

My jaw dropped. This was the first time I met such a high-class angel. Raphael was a legend amongst us. I even heard that some humans worshipped him as well. I just assumed this guy was some other Raphael. Angels often named their children after other famous angels. Take me for example. I'm Gabriel. I'm not the Gabriel, I'm just, a Gabriel.

"You look so young! Do you use like potions for your skin?"

"Are you an idiot? Why would he use potions," groaned Kaileb as he sat upright with a yawn. Drool sat on the corner of his lip, and with a small smile of satisfaction on my part, I decided not to tell him. He just called me an idiot, so, revenge!

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