Captured in a Pit of Hell

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My head pounded, and I found it hard to breathe. The air here was warm and stuffy, almost as if I was trying to breathe in smoke from a wildfire. My legs were bound together with chains, my arms pinned to a wall. I couldn't move, or... I didn't want to move. I was too exhausted to move. I've been here for hours... Maybe days? Months? I couldn't tell.

"You idiot!!! Why did you take the girl?!" Hissed a males voice, which shocked me out of my thoughts.

"That angel would have killed me if I had not. I needed an escape," spoke a women, who I recognized as the voice of Mrs. Odaire. Except... It didn't look like Mrs. Odaire. The creature was short and plump, with dark beady eyes and a face of a reptile. It was hideous.

"So, you took the girl?!! Use your brains for once, bloody demon!" Growled the man before he strode over to me. "You, what's your name?"

My mouth was parched, my throat aching, but I managed a quite whisper, "Sophia."

"Sophia?" Repeated the male before he bent down beside me. I would have sworn he was smiling, if it wasn't for the mask he was wearing; a creepy, black mask, decorated in blood-red lace. "You just might be useful...."

Just who was this man? Would I make it out of here alive? I could only wish...

(A short pov from Sophia! The next chapter will be long so I wanted to give a little something now because of the wait xD xD)

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