I'm Back in School

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I had spent the night exploring the humans' room. Sophia had many books, along with some paintings that she had painted herself. She was also a fan of music, which was evident by the different music notes painted across her wall.

After I explored nearly every inch and crevice of her room, I fell asleep on one of her pink bean bag chairs. It wasn't until I heard a song, (which I later learned was a musical scale),that I woke up.

"What is that?" I groaned as I rubbed tiredly at my eyes.

"My alarm," Sophia answered as she slid out of her bed. She pressed a button to turn off the alarm, which I happened to have found quite fascinating. We don't have clocks up there.

Sophia rummaged through her closet until she found clothes to her liking, a plain white shirt with denim jeans. She really was a simple girl.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked as I peeked curiously into her drawer.

She hastily threw the drawer closed, answering, "Yes. School."

"Oh, that's right! Young humans must go to school, I nearly forgot."

I remember learning about human school's a while back in Human Studies, a class in which you are required to take if you are an angel-in-training, which I am.

I grinned, "What better way to make friends, than at your own school!"

"Yeah," Sophia nodded with slight hesitation as she slid away into the bathroom that linked to her room.

When she came out, I was standing to face her with a smirk. I had an idea.

"I shall accompany you to school!"

Sophia blinked, "Um.... Really?"

"Yep! I'll simply hide my wing from any humans' gaze. I'll also go into my solid form, that way, every human can see me, and not just you."

Usually humans weren't able to see us angels. Sophia, however, was able to see me. Some humans are born with abilities unlike any other, such as being able to see the unknown. That must have been why Sophia could see me.

I decided not to question any further. Instead, I focused all of my energy on my wing. I had only tried, in class, to hide my wing. It was difficult, but surely I could pull it off again. Sure enough, with concentration and my full attention on my wing, it disappeared. Or at least it would look like it disappeared to a human. Anybody else, who had magic-what you humans would call it, would be able to see my wing. The hard part, was to turn myself solid. Not only did I have to keep my energy focused upon my wing, but now, I had to focus my entire attention on my body. After a few failed attempts, I finally went solid.

"Ha! It worked!"

Sophia stared at me in shock, "You can do that?"

"Why of course! I'm an angel!" I grinned.

"That doesn't exactly explain anything." Sophia mumbled as she looked to me for an explanation.

I didn't give her one. It would be too hard to explain "powers" to a mere human.

Sophia looked slightly disappointed that I didn't explain any further, however, she was soon distracted by the clock mounted on her wall.

"Oh! I'm going to be late!!!" She hollered while grabbing her backpack, sprinting out of her room.

I followed behind her as I glanced around. "Say, where is your family? The house seems pretty empty."

"Father is asleep. Mother... well, she left when I was 7." She explained before running down the staircase.

Perhaps her parents got divorced? That, I believe, is when a pair of human lovers split apart. I remember reading that once in class. I found it be rather odd, considering we angels stayed with our lover till eternity. I have heard of a few cases, however, where parents would argue, but in the end, it worked out.
Me and Sophia got onto a school bus, which made me anxious the entire ride. I had never been stuck on a bus with a bunch of humans before. It was nerve-racking!

When we finally arrived at her school, I was the first one to get off.

"Finally! We are here!" I said with a sigh of relief.

Sophia stood next to me with a nod. "You get used to how cramped it is in there."

"I doubt it."

It was odd, the way humans transport themselves around. We, angels, could simply fly to where we wanted. Humans, on the other hand, had other means of transportation. They rode in cars, bikes, walked; their transportation was endless. I had even read about this machine that flies in the sky!

"Come on. This way." Sophia whispered as she led me into the school. The school, like the bus, was just as packed.

Just great... I love packed places.

"There are this many people at your school, and yet, you have no friends? How is that even possible?"

Sophia blushed, "I don't know. It's not exactly easy to make friends." She admitted quietly as she ran her fingertips through her orange curls.

"Well, I guess that's why I'm here. I'll help you!" I smiled as I looped my arm with hers, pulling her along as I lead the way. "Tell me, where is your first class?"

"It's over there, room 801." Sophia whispered as she pointed her tiny finger towards the end of the hall.

"Got it!"

I was getting excited. Not only would I just be talking to Sophia, no, now I would be talking to a bunch of other humans!

When we neared the classroom door she instantly pulled away from me. I guess her arm linked with mine was embarrassing to her.

"Are you just going to go in like that?"

"Like what?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

"You aren't a student. You can't exactly go into a classroom if you aren't a student." Sophia explained.

"Oh, right." I scratched at the back of my neck in thought, before grinning. "I'll just use my powers again. I mean, we aren't exactly 'supposed' to use our powers on humans' for selfish reasons, but... I am doing this to complete my mission, so it should be fine!"

Without another word, I headed into the room. The teacher, a female in her thirties, glanced my way.

"Might I help-oh. You must be the new student I've heard about." The teacher said as she broke into a warm welcoming smile. "Take a seat wherever you please."

I smiled politely back, "I will."

Success. All I had to do was enter the teacher's mind and mix up a few of her thoughts. From there, I just had to tell her that she was expecting a new student. Angels do this from time to time. You know the feeling when you're doing something bad, and you find yourself growing guilty? That's us. It's sort of the same thing.

"How did you do that...?" Sophia whispered into my ear.

I grinned, "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm an angel! I can do anything!"

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