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Any relationship whether its partnership or friendship and once it's gone, it's gone and I will never forget it.

I place my pen and fluffy pink diary in my shoulder bag as the bus pulls up outside my work. I get up dragging my bag behind me and smirk as I leave "thank you Max." I wave at Max the bus driver as I get off the bus and walk towards the café where I work at as a waitress.

"Morning!" I smirk as I walk into the staff room where my work colleague and best friend Jen is sitting with her head in her hands. "Shhh!" She leans back and shakes her head "not so loud." I roll my eyes and hang my bag on the hook "I told you not to drink so much on your date." I grab a plastic bag from my bag and walk towards her "good thing I came prepared." She grins and takes the bag "you are the best!" I shrug and put my apron on "I know." I look at my watch and nod firmly "you have 10 minutes to eat and let the pill kick in." She nods agreeing as she tucks into the homemade soup I made her "see you out there." I walk back out the staff room closing the door behind me. I look around the busy restaurant and take a deep breath "let's do this."

The evening is the usual Monday evening routine. The private school kids come in at 1PM for their lunch then the oldies come in at 3PM before their bingo session. I spot Jen speaking to a boy in a baseball cap and sunglasses at the entrance door and something about him catches my attention. Maybe it was his clothes, he wasn't in a suit or in high end clothes like the usual customers we get. He was in a pair of jeans and a black leather jacket. I shake my head and walk towards my favourite couple Mr and Mrs Miller. I smirk softly and nod towards the menu "morning Mr and Mrs M, usual?" They both look up and smile softly "evening April." Mr Miller looks behind me and smirks "we will be joined by our son this evening but give us a few minutes?" I turn around and see the boy that Jen was speaking too "sure." I smirk nervously and quickly walk away.

I walk towards another table and pick up the empty plates "what was that." I look up and see Jen raising her eyebrows with a shocked look on her face "what was what?" I shrug and walk towards the kitchen "that look?" I place the tray down and shrug "I don't know what you are talking about." She scoffs and nods towards the table "oh really?" I roll my eyes and shrug "he just isn't the usual customer we get." She smirks and shrugs "well if that is all it was then alright then I will get back to work." She slowly steps forward but I grab her arm "fine!" I shrug and look towards him "he is cute." I look at her and she looks shocked "what?" She scoffs and picks up a tray "I did not expect that." I raise my eyebrow and scoff "what?!" I look at him as he looks at the menu "what did you expect me to say?" She shrugs and looks at him "anything but that?" She shakes her head and takes a deep breath "just stay away from him." I look at her and raise my eyebrow "why? Who is he?" She looks at him and shakes her head "he is trouble, trust me."

I walk back over and smile softly "are you ready to order now?" Mr Miller nods "yes dear." He looks at the boy and rolls his eyes "can you please take the glasses and hat off?" He scoffs and does it "happy?" Mr M nods firmly "much." He looks at me and smirks "just the usual for me and Sarah please." I place their order on the iPad and look at the boy "what can I get you sir?" He looks up and smirks "sir?!" He looks me up and down "do I look 50?" He looks towards the menu and shrug "pancakes with loads of chocolate and a fresh OJ with TWO sliced orange bits." He hands me the menus and smirks at his dad "dear." I place his order in and take the menus "won't be long." I walk away and take a deep breath.

I walk towards the kitchen and pour some OJ when I hear familiar footsteps walking towards me. I look up and see the managers daughter Annabelle "is that for Harrison?" I shrug and scoff "who?" She rolls her eyes and scoffs "Mr Miller?" I look at the juice and laugh nervously "yeah?" She smirks and takes it "I will take this." She flicks her hair and walks away "ok?" I scoff and take the two waters and ice for Mr and Mrs Miller and walk out the kitchen.

As I walk towards the table I see Annabelle sitting beside the boy with her hand on his arm laughing. I shake my head and scoff 'typical Annabelle.' I smile softly as I reach the table "your waters." Mrs M smile at me as I place the waters down "oh April dear?" I smile softly and nod "yeah Mrs M." She hands me a card and smirks "please say you will be at our annual garden BBQ this Saturday evening?" I laugh nervously and shrug "sure, wouldn't miss it." She nods firmly and picks up the water "wonderful." I look at the boy as he looks at me smirking with one of the orange slices in his mouth.

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