Thirty Part Three

Start from the beginning

Violet smiled at Kathleen, he knew her personality, she was one to get things done quickly and very efficiently, from what he had seen in the past. "I was hoping you could help me, your grace."

Violet then looked to the Duke, "I would be honored by any help you could give."

"As I said, 'tis for a worthy cause." William nodded.

The Duke then exchanged a look with the Duchess, his eyes branding her skin, letting her know she would pay dearly for her flirtations with the younger man later.

The Duchess' eyes flirted boldly, however, they were now directed at William.

He snorted and chuckled at his brazen duchess, holding his hand aloft, she came to him immediately.

She sat upon the wide, cushioned arm of his chair, as William breathed his millionth prayer of thanks that he had her to hold again.

Kathleen smirked adorably at the Duke, and laid her hand upon his chest as she kissed his cheek.

William placed his near arm around his wife's waist and turned his attention to Ellie as she told them of her plans for the future.

William laughed, thinking upon Arianna and Betsy's escape from her charge.

He teased Eleanor that she would need to post guards around the estate, as she was not very adept at keeping track of two young girls, much less a houseful.

"Yes, well, there is only one Arianna." Ellie replied.

"Amen." The Duke, the Duchess, and Violet all said together.

Then thinking upon Elizabeth shooting at the commander, Ellie added, "And, thank goodness, there is only one Elizabeth."

Violet missed Elizabeth something fierce, he did not know how long he and Eleanor must stay here, but he would be very happy to leave first thing in the morning, if possible.

The butler came to stand in the doorway, begging their pardon, he announced dinner was ready to be served.

Violet stood, turning to assist Ellie in rising from the settee.

The Duke remembered the envelope that Violet arrived with, "Mister Petals, if you would please accompany the ladies," The Duke handed his wife off to the young man, "I shall join you all momentarily, I would take but a moment to see about the King"s business."

Violet inclined his head to the Duke, accepting Kathleen's hand upon his arm, he followed the butler, leading the ladies to the dining room.

William went to his study and sat behind his desk, the envelope in front of him.

Slitting the seal, he opened the packet to first find an invitation to a masquerade. T'was a ball the King was hosting in honor of Kathleen's return.

Of course, they would not miss that for the world.

Trent and Arianna would be there also, as would Will. T'was a great honor the King was bestowing. All a part of his campaign to make sure the peerage knew that the duchess was in the Monarch's good graces.

The other papers in the packet were legal forms. William skimmed over the pages, realizing they brought his holdings back to him that Admiral Miser had stolen.

Using the missing duchess as bait, insinuating he would help the Duke get her back, the Admiral had extorted all William had had to give.

Now that the man had hung upon the gallows, the King had seized Miser's holdings, taking back what was his, and returning to the Duke, and other peers, the monies they had lost to the man.

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