Twenty Six Part Three

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James and Ruthe Ferguson made Alfred feel at ease from the moment he arrived at their estate.

Terese had not been quite ready yet, when Alfred was allowed entry by a stoic Patrick.

Even Patrick had treated him respectfully, welcoming him gruffly then ushering him in.

Alfred was brought to the parlour, where Ruthe greeted him warmly, before plying him with desserts, while James offered him a brandy.

Alfred declined the offer and chose coffee instead.

"Good choice, young man. I, too should leave off and join you in a brew." James was glad that Alfred was not a man who needed libation to calm his nerves. And James could see the poor boy was nervous.

James picked up the papers he had been working on earlier, "I put this together for you, Alfred. It is a rough outline of my holdings, what they encompass, and how they profit me."

Alfred gave James all of his attention, though it was hard not to look at Ruthe and return her smile.

"I made these up so you can see where I started, how I progressed, and exactly what I have now. Keep in mind, this is many years of diligently minding my assets while acquiring more."

James sat in a chair next to his wife, he took Ruthe's hand in his, "My lovely ladies deserve no less, would you not agree?"

Terese chose that moment to join them. Alfred looked up at her in appreciation. He rose from his chair while nodding at James' question.

Yes, she definitely deserved the best of everything.

Alfred was struck again by her beauty. Struck again by the fact that he was the lucky man who would have this stunning beauty on his arm this eve.

Alfred murmured, "Excuse me." To her parents, as he made his way gallantly to Terese.

He bowed before her and took the hand she offered, placing a kiss upon the back of it, his eyes rose and met the sparkling pools of blue.

The gown Terese wore matched her eyes, her burgundy tresses were drawn back from her brow, gathered up in a clip, so that loose curls fell over her shoulder to cascade past her breast.

Alfred's eyes were drawn there as he straightened, his gaze moving upward as he did.

The gown's neckline was modest, one's gaze was drawn to the gorgeous jewels around her neck, rather than any cleavage.

Alfred knew exactly what James was talking about. This lovely woman, who smiled upon him confidently, deserved his very best.

She was also smiling in a way that conveyed her confidence in him. That was the look that gave Alfred wings.

Alfred held Terese's small, smooth hand in his, as he brought her over to join James and Ruthe.

"Laird Ferguson, I could not agree with you more." Alfred's smile was reminiscent of one he had worn in his youth, before he had been poisoned, before he had allowed himself to believe his mother's lies.

"When at home, it is James, please, Alfred." James encouraged the familiarity, which Alfred then inclined his head to agree.

"Please, go on James, am I to be allowed to look at your papers?" He smirked conspiratorially at James.

Alfred and Terese had taken the settee, he still held her hand, their joined hands resting on the couch between them.

"Yes, my boy, I am giving them to you to look over at your leisure. You know, you cannot simply walk in the garden with my daughter all day." James laughed.

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