Thirty Two Part Three

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Marcus was glad he would be introducing Katherine to a new Alfred, a kinder, more genuine Alfred and not the male version of Gwendolyn that Alfred seemed to have successfully shed. Marcus was amazed at the changes that had come over the young man, where before Alfred's eyes had appeared beady and calculating, they now shone with intelligence, hope, and joy. Where before, Alfred had seemed scrawny and petulant, he now seemed lean, healthy, and matured. Marcus did not know what exactly had brought about these changes, however, Marcus thanked the Lord greatly that he had two sons he could be most proud of.

Alfred asked once again before taking his leave, "You are sure you have all you need, Merry?"

Merry was in heaven. Being surrounded by the joyful chatter of the children, while watching the men with their lines in the water, had her laughing her answer, "I have more than I need, Alfred. I am sorry I was so nervous before, this is absolutely wonderful!" 

Alfred sensed that she could not wait to get to work. He chuckled at her enthusiasm, as she had already begun sketching the hard lines of the lake and meadows. Alfred looked out the direction she was gazing, seeing things differently than he had before. Having read James' business reports, Alfred could now appreciate Marcus' endeavors. Looking out at the meadow, Alfred saw the sheep grazing contentedly, and rather than being disgusted by them he could now appreciate the peace and beauty they lent to the land. "Enjoy yourself, Merry. I am almost sorry I have to go." Alfred admitted.

"No you are not," Merry teased him, "Have a wonderful day with Terese, Alfred." Merry's eyes sparkled up at him encouragingly before she bent once again to her drawing.

"I believe I shall, Merry." A smile lit his face as he searched the shoreline for his father.

Marcus had been waiting for Alfred to get Merry settled before approaching him. Marcus went to meet Alfred half of the way seeing Alfred seek him out. Marcus met Alfred, then turned to walk back with him, placing his arm around Alfred's shoulder, "Katherine is here and I would like you to meet her, if that is all right with you, son."

Alfred placed his arm around the back of Marcus and squeezed his shoulder, "It is more than all right with me father, I have looked forward to this ever since your telling me about her."

Marcus felt a weight fall from his shoulders with Alfred's sincere words, "Come along then." They approached the group on the shoreline, amusement marking their features as the boys argued over who had caught the largest fish so far. "Katherine, I have brought someone I would like you to meet."

Katherine stood from bending over the catch of the day, and saw that Marcus had brought his son with him. Katherine smiled a little shyly, yet the joy in the young man's eyes did much to dispell her nervousness. She was replacing this young man's mother. I do hope he will not resent me. "Yes, Marcus?" She humbly asked, as she came to stand in front of the two men.

The men had let their arms drop from one another. Marcus took Katherine's hand, moving to stand next to her, his other hand gestured towards his son. "This is Alfred, Baron of Nimford, my son beget of his mother, Gwendolyn."

"Please, father, do not remind me," Alfred scowled for a mere second, "and there is no need for formalities," Alfred took Katherine's hand, bowing over it, "I am charmed Katherine, please, call me Alfred."

"Equally charmed, Alfred." Katherine said earnestly, "Marcus has told me about you, and I am very pleased to finally meet you." Katherine smiled more confidently, as the young man seemed to have a very pleasing personality.

"And I you," Alfred agreed. "Would the two of you walk with me to my hack, I cannot be late, as my lovely Terese expects me by noon." The three turned to walk in the direction of  the carriages, Katherine sandwiched between the two men.

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