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I knocked on the door with my foot. Maya was peacefully sleeping in my arms. She looked so small and I wanted to keep her safe and love and adore her.

But that wasn't right. She's still a minor and I am nearly an adult. That's weird. I can't have a crush on a 15-year-old, she's 5 years younger than me. STOP HAN JISUNG! Just except that you can never love her. She's a fan.

I mentally fought with myself but was caught by the door opening. The sudden noise made Maya shuffle her position slightly. Her arms and legs gripping onto my body tighter.

Jiyeon had opened the door and she immediately smirked. I glared at her, walking into the apartment. The other girls chuckled but directed me towards her bedroom.

"She's the bottom bed," Sara said.

I placed her there and walked out of the room.

"So, what was that about?" Yeona wiggled her eyebrows, emerging from the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Blush crept it's way onto my face.

"We know you like her. Don't act dumb," Jiyeon smirked.

We all gathered in the 'living room', well what was supposed to be the living room. There was only a small table the we sat around.

"Would you like to sit on a pillow. The ground isn't that comfortable," Sara offered.

"Oh no. You guys use them, I'm fine," I declined.

They grabbed pillows but the conversation immediately turned back.

"So you and Maya, huh?" Yeona said again.

I cowered and put my head on the table, "there's nothing between us. She's my junior and she's still a minor. Liking her is really wrong. PD-nim has already warned me a few months ago about not getting to close to Maya to prevent scandals," I rambled and the girls listen intently.


3rd POV

"Dinner's ready!" Chan called. 

"JISUNG GO GET MAYA!!" Sara yelled also.

The boy groaned as he knew they were teasing him. Gently opening the door, trying not to make any noises, he saw the little girl peacefully resting. Her cheeks were puffy and her hair was messy. But one thing Han had noticed wasn't normal.

Maya had tear stained cheeks and her lips were quivering. Her figure was scrunched in a ball. This worried the older.

He sat next to her and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. This made her flinch like she had seen a ghost. Her body tensed up and only stared at Han's worried eyes.

"Are you oka-" before he could finish his sentence the door slammed open.

"I swear to God Han Jisung! How hard is it to wake someone up?" Ami said almost shouting.

But her mood change instantly as she saw the little girl on the bed. Practically shoving Han out of the way, she went to her.

Maya started to ball her eyes out, sobbing in her member's shoulder. The others had finally arrived and heard the ruckus. They entered the room also, quite confused. However, the girls emotion didn't change like Jisung's did.

Instead of worried and maybe a little sad. They looked serious and focused. The 4 of them turned to the boys, making them jump. Stray kids looked confused, but frightened after their next move.

"EVERYONE OUT NOW!" They screamed surprisingly in sync.

{I nearly spelt it like sink...}

"W-what? W-why?" Jeongin fumbled on his words.

"Is she okay?" Minho asked.

"She'll be fine. Now get out!" Sara yelled.

They all left quicker than they normally would. But Maya's mumbling stopped all of them in their tracks.

"C-can... can H-han stay?" She struggled to form words.

All stared at the Squirrel boy. His eyes large and mouth agape slightly.

"Felix and Chan too..." she whispered, only a whisper Ami could here.

She felt embarrassed about asking them to stay, but she felt comfortable to talk tot them all freely. Not that she didn't feel that way with the others, Maya felt like she clicked better with these four people.

Her safe place you could say.

"Han, Felix and Chan stay in here. The rest of you leave please," Ami demanded.

"We'll go with them, make sure they don't break anything," Jiyeon said, pulling Yeona with her.

A awkward silence filled the atmosphere around them. Maya had only known each of them for nearly 6 months. But, cliche to say this, but they had became her new family. She rarely talked or communicated with her family in Australia. These people gave her a place to belong.

"Talk when you're ready Maya," Felix gently spoke.

Maya lifted her head from Ami's shoulder and sat up straight. She wiped her tears and looked at the 3 boys sitting in front of her.

"I'm sorry,"

Was all that Maya said. She did a little bow and put all of them in confusion.

"Why?" Ami asked pulling the younger into a hug, "you have nothing to be sorry about."

"It's not just to you guys but to mostly everyone," she took a deep breath knowing this would be hard to explain.


I don't know what to write anymore. This chapter is purely me winging it.
Thank you sooo much for 2.6K+ it reallg means alot.
Hope you enjoyed the story so far. Bye~

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