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I had shown JYP the songs and he seemed to like them. He wanted to include most of the song in the debut album as well as some from other producers. The main song I showed him would be the title song and another one of mine that Sara helped me on would be the B-side track.

"Two months," I muttered to myself, entering an empty studio.

It was 3 in the after and I decided to try and choreograph the intro. The past month I'd been finishing all the tracks and we had all been recording vocals as well. Sara had been a huge help with advice on my songs. Adding her knowledge to the mix as well.

We were all resting on the ground, breathing heavily. Our faces were slightly red and sweat dripped down our bodies. It was peaceful. But that was interrupted by the door swinging open.

"CROWN!" We all whipped our heads towards the door to see our manager.

"Hello, Jihyun unnie!" We all exclaimed.

"I have great news!" She said walking towards us, catching our attention, "I have great news!"

She placed her bag down and sat on the floor with us, "you will be moving dorms this afternoon! In effect that you will be debuting soon, we want you to move out of the trainee apartments. We will also be starting a reality show for you all, so you have more exposure. JYP-nim has already put an official statement that there is a new group.

"He has not revealed any information about the group yet," she continued you ramble on, "so, the filming will start this afternoon. Sorry for the short notice, but we would like to show the moving part. Please be out the front of the building in 2 hours," she stood up once more and grabbed her bag.

"Unnie!" I shouted before she left the room. She turned her body towards us once again and smiled, "could you please see if I can see PD-nim before we leave?"

"Of course. Goodbye girls!" She waved.


About half an hour later, I got a message from Jihyun saying that JYP-nim was free for me to go see him. So, I left my members who had decided to go grab something to eat. I walked peacefully down the hallway, humming the title track to myself.

I knocked lightly on his door after walking from the elevator. Waiting patiently, tapping a rhythm on the floor with my shoe. The door swung open revealing my smiling boss.

"Hello, Maya!" He chirped, "please sit down."

We sat down facing each other, smiling.

"What is it you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to ask if you could post something on the JYP social media pages before releasing anything about the group?" I asked and he gave me raised eyebrows for me to continue, "I would like to do a survey. Asking the fans of K-pop about having a non-Asian idol. 'Thoughts on a Foreign idol. Yes or no?' Just to see if this plan will backfire or not. I wanted to ask you before we move dorms and if plans do fail I won't move with them," I continued.

PD-nim leaned back in a seat and chuckled. My eyebrows knitted and I tilted my head.

"Of course, we can do that. I am quite sure that the idea will be excepted but if it gives you reassurance we'll do it," he stood from his seat and went towards his desk, "I'll post it on every platform we have for more exposure. Because fans are quick to respond on social media, you should get a slight answer before you leave. You can also track the votes yourself."

The room went silent for a little, all to be heard was the clicking of the laptop. A couple of minutes later he had posted it and we waited patiently. Chatting about how preparations are coming along.

The sound of PD-nim's computer dinging interrupted our conversation. He opened the websites and smiled.

"Seems like it's a bit torn. Fans seem excited but others are sending hurtful comments. I advise you not to read the hateful ones even if they aren't directly pointed towards you, I know you would still feel that they are pointed at you. Keep track of what's happening with the girls. They must be waiting, go now," he warmly smiled and I walked towards the entrance of the building.

Walking out the doors with a mask on I found a couple of girls in uniforms, some my school uniform, with signs. From a distance, I read them. All of them were about the foreign idol.

'Wow. They catch on quickly," I laughed inside.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Jiyeon and Yeona enthusiastically waving at me in front of our van. I ran towards them, ignoring the girls somewhat protesting. We all got in and drove away.

"Who's ready to move?" Jihyun-nim shouted, causing the driver to groan in pain jokingly.

"WE ARE!" We all yelled back.

Foreign Idol ~ Han Jisung -complete-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt