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Mrs. Shin showed me where the books were and then we left.

"You seem to have a good relationship with Mrs. Shin," I told Sungho.

"She's my grandma," he cheerfully spoke, I nodded in understanding. Sungho continued you lead the way back the way we came. Ending us back at the office.

"Why are we here again?" I asked them.

"We are going to the year coordinator,"

We entered and the translating started immediately. At the end of it all, I walked out of the office once again with a locker combination and my timetable. Jaeyoung and Sungho showed me around the school more. Showing me where the hall/gymnasium was, where the cleaning supplies are kept if you have to clean the classes after school, and most importantly where the canteen was.

And as if on cue, the bell rang for lunch. I couldn't believe it had already been 2 and a half hours. Each period went for 50 minutes and we had 3 of them before lunch and home bells.

Jaeyoung, Sungho, and I made our way to an empty table and watched students cluster through the doors. Suddenly, as I zoned out, my phone buzzed. I got a message from Jihyun but then many unknown numbers flooded my lock screen.

I unlocked my phone and saw 25 messages from different numbers. I tapped on Jihyun's number.

Manager Jihyun

Jihyun: hey, so as you have started training, the company wants you on a diet. I'll send you a picture of the plan. Just don't eat lunch today. See you later.


I sighed. I knew this was coming and should've expected it sooner or later.

"Maya, we're going to cue for lunch you coming?" Sungho asked.

"No thanks, I'm dieting," I responded.

They nodded and walked away. I started to check my other messages.


???: hey! Maya, it's Aussie. I got your number from Jihyun-nim.
???: wait. You probably don't know who I am still. Lol
???: it's Chan

Oh haha, hi Chan


C.Bangnalo🐺: Are you in school right now?

I'm at lunch

C.Bangnaldo🐺: Oh cool. I'll let you go. Bye mate
Oh one last thing I gave your number to Jisung and Changbin

Ok, thank you. Can I call you Chris?

C.Bangnaldo🐺: Of course. Byeeee



I checked the other messages and it was just Jisung and Changbin-sunbae spamming me. I greeted them and told them I was at school and couldn't talk right now. Smiling at myself at their goofy messages, I changed their contact names. I changed Changbin's number to Inkigayo sandwich🥪 and chubby cheeks🐿 for Jisung.

Just in time, Jaeyoung and Sungho came back.

"Hey, Maya?" Sungho said, I turned around and hummed, "come with us we're going to introduce you to some of our friends."


We walked not too far from the table previously. There was a large group of students. They must have the same friends.

"Guys!" Jaeyoung shouted to get their attention.

They turned towards us. They all looked nice but intimating at the same time. Jaeyoung introduced me and they all smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Maya," they spoke.

I recognised some of them as they were in my class. But others were strangers.

"This is Chaeyoung, Gaeun, Jun, Kyle, and Oscar," Jaeyoung introduced them while pointing to each of them.

"Kyle, Oscar, and Chaeyoung are in our class," Sungho said.

We all sat down and they started talking almost immediately. I had sat in between Jaeyoung and Gaeun.

"So Maya, where did you transfer from?" Jun asked.

"I came from Australia," I said proudly.

"Why'd you move?" Chaeyoung questioned.

"I came here for training," I replied.

"Like K-pop training?" Kyle asked.


"I have many questions, can I ask them all at once?" Oscar blurted.

"Sure go ahead,"

"What company? What category? Are you alone here? Have you met any celebrities yet? Why aren't you eating lunch? I like your eyes," he rambled.

"I guess you're the chatterbox of the group," I chuckled, "I am under JYP entertainment. I auditioned in dance. Yes, I moved here alone. Yes, I have met some idols. I'm dieting. And thank you."

"Yooo, who have you met?" Gaeun asked.

"JYP-nim and 3RACHA-sunbae," they gasped, "can I ask questions now?"

"Sure but make it quick lunch is nearly over," Sungho explained.

"Kyle and Oscar, no offence, you're are English, right? Where are you guys from?" I asked.

"None taken," Oscar said, "I'm half Korean half American, born in Florida."

"I'm Aussie as well," Kyle said his accent now standing out more, "my mum is Korean and my dad is Australian."

"I've got someone to relate to my age now!" I squealed.

Just then the bell rang. Everyone rushed out the doors.

~time skip~

The bell had rung for home and I went back to my classroom to get my bag. I took it out and remembered the lunch I packed.

"I guess I won't need this anymore," I murmured to myself.

As I walked out of the classroom, Jaeyoung run up to me and linked arms.

"Maya, how are you getting home?" She asked.

"I'm walking."

We continued to walk through the halls when whispers and many shouts arose in a crowd.

"They're here!"
"They're all so pretty, I'm jealous,"

Where some of the shouts we heard.

"What's happening?" I asked Jaeyoung.

Before she answered someone shouted my name.


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