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Han was watching Maya sleep peacefully, smiling at how cute she looked. Her cheeks puffed out and lips pouting. The slight freckles were randomly scattered over her nose bridge and around her eyes. The few stray ones that fell on her cheeks and hairline, maybe three or four leading down her neck. Her hair was disheveled. Which Jisung found very amusing.

As he was admiring the girl in front of him, the door creaked open. Han turned his head sharply to the noise. Seeing one of the make-up artists popped their head around the corner.

She looked anxious and shy. Her head was glued to the ground.

"What's the matter?" Jisung stood up and faced her, being respectful.

"Uhh... the other members have finished getting ready, I need to do your make-up. Another lady needs to come in as well to fix up Maya's make-up. Is that okay?" She asked timidly.

Han nodded with a smile, turning back around to Maya. He crouched down to her level and gently shook her. Her eyes fluttered open slowly as she sat up straight. Han raised his hand to her cheek and caressed it gently. Running his thumb back and forth over the dried mascara.

"Good morning bubs," He cooed at her, "I know that we have a lot to catch up on and I really want to hug you right now, but we have to get ready for the show, okay?"

She hummed softly, stretching out and waddling over to the chairs in front of the mirrors. Jisung chuckled and went in the same direction. Their make-up was soon done and Maya was now wide awake and aware of her surroundings.

The first thing she did once the make-up lady let her go was run towards Han, who was waiting for Maya with the others. She engulfed him in a tight hug, her face in the crook of his neck. 

"I missed you so much," She didn't care if he didn't think of her the same anymore, she just wanted to feel his warmth again.

Jisung was surprised by the younger girl's action. All his thoughts of her not wanting to be around him anymore because of the scandals and the little amount of time that they talked, all just melted away. He hugged Maya back tightly, lifting her off the ground.

They were both happy and content in each other's arms. Glad that the other didn't dislike them at that moment.

"I missed you too, sweetheart," Han muttered in her ear.

They could hear their bandmates chuckle and coo at the loving scene in front of them.

"Alright, alright. Not to break the moment but we have to go on soon," Chan interrupted, "Let's go put on our mic-packs." 

Jisung and Maya walked hand in hand over to the filming area. The smiles on their faces, so big their cheeks hurt.

"Is everyone ready?" The director asked.

Everyone answered with a cheerful 'yes'. Crown and Stray Kids politely greeted the show hosts of the idol room. 

"It's nice to see you again, Stray Kids," Defconn greeted.

"It's a pleasure to be here, thank you for inviting us," Chan bowed.

Hyeong-don and Defconn continued to compliment and chat with Skz. The members of Crown stayed off to the side of the room and talked amongst themselves. The boys seemed to notice the sudden tension in the room. Hyunjin and Jeongin slipped away from the conversation with the older males and shuffled towards the girls.

"Hey," Hyunjin whispered, grabbing their attention, "Why don't you guys come over here. We'll introduce you to them."

Crown seemed hesitant.

"We really shouldn't. You guys seem to be getting along fine," JiJi responded, looking at the other groups of men, "We don't want to barge in and disturb your chat."

"Don't speak nonsense," Jeongin huffed, "It'll be better to get to know the hosts before the show starts."

Jeongin was right. It would be better to get to know Defconn and Hyeong-don before they start but Crown was hesitant still.

"Oh my gosh, come on," Hyunjin pouted.

The two males pushed the females towards the group. They immediately bowed to their seniors, nervous to meet them.

"You all must be Crown. Nice to meet you all," Hyeong-don spoke and put his hand out to shake theirs.

One by one they all awkwardly shook the hands of the older men. Feelings small in the presence of them. This didn't go unnoticed by Stray kids. 

"This is your first time meeting Crown, isn't it?" Changbin started the conversation.

"Yes, it is," Defconn answered, "We know a lot about one member though."

"Oh really? Who is that?" Felix asked.

The girls seemed anxious. They had never met these men before and they suddenly know so much about one of them, completely forgetting that they were famous and their names were everywhere since their debut. None of them had good experiences with men and the Skz members were aware of that, trying to make them feel as comfortable and safe as they could in situations like this. 

Their protective instincts kicked in as soon as they saw the younger girls were uncomfortable. Crown wasn't being dramatic in the situation, the two older men were quite close to them and constantly touching them at random times while taking, (a slight tap on the back (which was harder than needed to be most of the time) or slinging their arm around their shoulders). It was just uncomfortable for the boys to watch it.

They were already in a position of surrounding the girls, like a posy in any teenage movie. However, as the name left Defconn's mouth the semi-circle behind the girls tightened. Being more conscious of the event, just to make the girls feel a little safer. As they looked slightly terrified.


The group of youngers pushed the youngest into the middle of the circle, 'protecting' her.


you asked for another one, so here it is. I'm currently on school holiday for the next 2 weeks so I'll be able to update more frequently.

Thank you so much for all the support!!<3

Over 23K!! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN??? Thank you so much for 360 votes as well, I appreciate it so much :)

I hope you enjoyed! 

Foreign Idol ~ Han Jisung -complete-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن