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~ Loki tired ~

Guys I'm here!

Rohan: Yay!!! I miss you :(

'they replied almost instantly. Cute' i thought.

Emily: That's so cute.... I'm disgusted -_-
Charlize: not as cute as mee 😚🥰
Tamara: you guys gross me out but I miss you Maya :(
Isabelle: me too
Rohan: not as much as me-_-
Tamara: try me! -_-

Hey stop it! What time is it there for you guys?

Emily: 9 pm

Oh, we're only an hour behind here

Charlize: cool

Have any of you guys talked to Sarah recently?

Isabelle: no
Tamara: nope
Rohan: why?

Never mind, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have to go. Ttyl. Byeeee!

*Everyone*: Bye


{italics = Korean}

I turned off my phone and Jihyun came back over to me.

"Okay! Someone is coming to pick us up. They'll be about 15-20 minutes," she explained.

"Okay. What do you want to do while we wait?" I asked.

"Would you like to learn some Korean. It could help when you start having classes, " she suggested and I nodded.

~time skip~

Jihyun had taught me a couple of basic words. When suddenly a black van, like the one from Tuesday, pulled up in front of us. 

"This is our ride, hop in," Jihyun spoke cheerfully.

I got in the car as Jihyun put the luggage in the back. I was greeted by an unfamiliar man as I entered the car. I peeped a small hello and then it became an awkward silence. Jihyun fortunately broke it when entering the van as well.

~3rd POV~

"Maya, this is Mr Kwon. Sunbae, this is Maya," she explained.

I uttered another small hello.

"Is she the one boss has been talking about?" Mr Kwon asked Jihyun.

"Yes. He sees a lot of potential in her," Jihyun continued, "I heard her singing once and she sounds like an angel. I should ask sir for the recording file."

"Good idea," Mr Kwon agreed.

Maya was sitting the back seat very confused about their conversation. So, she decided to plug her earphones in and listen to some music. Mr Kwon and Jihyun continued to chat in the foreign language, as they drove to JYPE building.

A few minutes later, Mr Kwon had pulled up in front of the building. Jihyun and Maya got out of the van and walked towards the door, as Mr Kwon speeded off.

~Maya's POV~

As we entered JYPE, Jihyun bowed and greeted the lady at the front desk. She walked over to her and I quickly shuffled behind. They talked for a little while, but I couldn't understand. Then, Jihyun turned to me.

"Maya, we're going to get you registered into the building's system and then we are going for a personal check up, Okay?" She clarified.


The lady led us to a room not to far from the entrance. There was another man there as well. We greeted each other and he began explaining what will happen.

~20 minutes later~

Jihyun and I had finished and were currently walking from the elevator on the 6th floor. I followed her closely to a room near the end of the hallway. She knocked and opened it. Revealing a young woman.

"Hello," was the only word I understood exchanged between the two.

But she turned to me, "hello Maya, I'm Ms Ahn. I'll ask some questions and you have to answer them truthfully, okay?" I nodded, "Great, after that we'll do some tests." She smiled brightly.

"I'll leave now," Jihyun exited the room.

"Alright, any allergies?"


"History of seizures?"


"Any mental health problems that you have and are aware of?"

"Not that I know of, no"

"Family history of mental health problems?"


"Which sides of the family?"


"Could you please explain which ones?"

"Uhh... Anxiety and PTSD from both my mum and dad. Depression, anger and temper issues with my dad. He also has a lot more that I don't know the names of,"

"Okay thank you. Come over here," she said standing up and moving to the other side of the room.

"Take off your shoes and other accessories, such as jewellery or jumpers," she instructed.

I did as she said and walked onto the scales.

"Stand up straight," she said.

A moment later, a the measurement of my height was made when something hit my head.

"Alright, date of birth, and full name,"

"October 16th, 2005 and does that include my middle name?" She hummed as a Yes, "Maya Rose Barrow,"

"So, weight 59 kilograms and height 168 centimetres," she said.

"I lost weight, maybe because I didn't eat on the plane," I scratched the back of my neck.

"Well, that's good. Jihyun should be outside waiting for you. Have a nice night sweetie," she waved goodbye and I left.

She was right, Jihyun was waiting outside the room talking to someone. She noticed my presence and excused herself.

"If you're finished, we're going to go to your new dorm," she explained happily.

"Let's go!"

~10 minutes later~

Jihyun had walked me to my dorm so I knew the way when I had to go to training.

"I'll introduce you to the people inside and your schedule then I have to leave," she spoke, knocking and then opening the door, "Girls~!" She shouted.

Then 5 girls came running from different directions.

"Girls, this is a new trainee at the company, please look after her," Jihyun cheerfully ranted.

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