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"I'm scared," She muttered in the crook of the older male's neck.

"I know it can be scary. But there are ways that can make the situation less terrifying," Jisung patted her back.

The two were sat in the isolated room. Maya set on his lap, clinging onto him as if her life depended on it. Which at this point it did.

"I'm sorry Han. I'm really sorry," Maya choked.

"Maya, please stop saying sorry. There's nothing to be sorry about," he spoke gently, "it was not your fault okay? You got scared and that's okay. It happens to everyone. You're not alone."

The last words that left Jisung's mouth were all Maya needed to hear at that very moment. She held the male tightly, thanking him.

Han's POV

It had been at least an hour since Maya freaked out. She saw a counselor afterward and is now going to see one every week.

Her members felt bad. They kept saying it was their fault. Even though they told their youngest member they were leaving, she didn't hear it.

Maya and her members were now at their dorm. Acting as nothing happened. While I was at mine only thinking about what happened.

I was scrolling over Crown's Instagram and Twitter pages. Seeming to find loving and supportive comments towards the older members. But hateful ones directly at Maya.

It all seemed to happen after she appeared in the vlive. Fans, if you could even call them that, threw hate at her for some of the most pointless things.

'I don't like her voice, it's weird.'
'She's probably not even talented.'
'Bought her way in.'
'JYP made a mistake.'

They also brought up Jieun and her former dance instructor. I was confused about how they knew of them. I thought that PD-nim covered them well.

"Han, you good?" Someone asked.

I whipped my head in the direction of the voice. Seungmin had entered the living room and sat next to me.

"Yeah, why?"

"Your face was all scrunched up," he chuckled, mimicking what it looked like, "you reading Maya's hate comments?"

I was astonished, "how did you know?"

"What else would you be doing after what happened today?" He deadpanned.

"Oh," I chuckled, embarrassed.

"It's good that you care about them though. They're all debuting soon, less them 2 months. She needs all the support she can get with what's happening around her."

Seungmin stood up and disappeared back into his room.

Should I call her? No, she's probably sleeping. But I wanna know if she's okay.

I overthought and pondered on the whole situation until a thought came to mind again. Why are people mentioning Jieun and the dance teacher?

Jieun was a well-known trainee at the company. Her flawless beauty as people described it, attracted many advertisements. Everyone seemed to know her, even if there was no word about her debuting since she signed under JYPE.

Mr. Kwon on the other hand was a judge for many open auditions. His skill was well respected in the industry but was blacklisted when he left JYPE. He was on reality shows as a judge. He was an attractive man which gained him more attention.

But there was nothing anywhere that said anything about why or how they were going to target Maya.

"Target?" I muttered to myself.

I was confused, why were they going for her if they knew there would be legal consequences. I was thinking so hard that someone would be able to hear the gears in my head-turning.

"Target?" I muttered again, that's when it clicked in my small brain, "TARGET! THEY'RE GOING TO HURT MAYA!!"

I grabbed my coat and slipped my shoes on. Too quick for the other members to catch me. But the one thing I heard was Jeongin screaming from the door to me down the hallway.

"WHO'S GOING TO TARGET?!" He screamed.

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