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Han's POV

"Is she okay?" Minho asked.

I lowered my head and sighed. That made all of them sigh as well.

"So I'm guessing that's a no?" Jiyeon said.

"She... seems suicidal even though she says she's not. Like from what you said before Felix," I pointed out.

"Is she sleeping?" Jiyeon asked.

I nodded. The room was filled with silence. A solemn silence, that wasn't comfortable for any of us.

"How about we eat before the food gets cold?" Chan offered.

We all agreed and ate. Putting the TV on to distract ourselves. From something that shouldn't really be ignored or disregarded.

But something was bothering me. Who is Rohan? Why did she mention that name?

"Girls?" I attracted their attention away from the illuminated screen {iLlUmInAtEd By ThE LiGhT oN mY lApToP!!}, "Maya mentioned someone. Rohan... who are they?"

"Oh. Rohan was, probably still is, Maya's crush. She liked them for ages and eventually confessed. They rejected her and came back awhile later and confessed too. But Maya had to leave so they never got together," Sara explained, "She hasn't talked about them in ages. She was completely heartbroken. What context did she say it in?"

Everyone was suddenly very curious. Listening intently.

"She was mentioning things she missed, her family, friends, even school. Then she said Rohan and that she missed them," the girls all sighed.

"She's still not over them," Yeona shook her head.

Maya's POV

I sprung up straight. Panting slightly. My head hurt and my face felt sticky. The room was dark and the only light was coming from under the door.

I got out of bed and grabbed my phone from the side table. Taking slow steps towards the door. Only hearing muffled words from behind it.

I opened the door slightly, squinting my eyes from the bright light. Everyone was doing their own things and didn't seem to notice me. I took the chance to head to the door.

"Maya?" Someone called, causing me to stop in my tracks.

I turned around and saw Jeongin standing in the middle of the hallway, a little behind me. I smiled at him.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

No one else had noticed the we were at the door. They were all caught in the moment of the things they were doing.

"I'm going for a walk to the building. Don't tell the others, I'll be fine," I turned around and left before he could respond.

Wasting no time I made my way to JYPE. I entered the lobby to almost zero people. I greeted them and signed in. I could feel my heart rate rise for no reason as I entered the elevator. My chest felt tight.

I searched the halls for an empty room. Almost frantically. I found one right at the end of the hall, a little separated from the others.

I collapsed on the ground as soon as I entered. I spread my limbs out, looking like a star.

"I shouldn't be thinking that," I whispered.

3rd POV

Not so far away from where Maya was laying, a boy was skeptical of what he had been told. He kept it to himself. Being quiet and slightly out of touch from those around him.

"WHERE'S MAYA!?!?" Ami burst out.

This attracted everyone's attention towards her. They all scurried over. Their eyes popping out of their heads. Jeongin trailed back to the living room. Ignoring the few calls from the bedroom. He sat down and suddenly was swarmed by the others.

They all looked at him suspiciously. And looked down at the boy. Which made him feel quite pressured but he knew it wasn't good not to tell them. Even if Maya had told him not to.

"Jeongin?" Chan called.

He lifted his head to see some intimidating stares.

"Do you know something?" Hyunjin asked, sitting down next to him.

"I- well umm" he stuttered.

"WHERE'S MAYA?!" Ami lashed out.

She grabbed onto Jeongin's shoulder and vigorously shook him. After many attempts, Yeona and Jiyeon pulled heer away. Taking her into her room so she could calm down. Chan being concerned, stood up and went to Ami's room as well.

"I'm sorry about that," Sara apologised, "did Maya tell you where she was going?"

"JYP building. She said she's going there," he explained, "Maya told me not to say anything."

"I'm proud of you that you did," Minho said and hugged him, "it was the right thing to do."

Hyunjin went to Ami's shared room and told them where Maya was. Everyone gathered in the living room once more.

"Okay, is everyone here?" Changbin asked as the others came into the room.

The group looked around and nodded but Seungmin noticed one was missing.

"Guys! Where's Jisung?!" He erupted.

But Han was long gone. He ran out the door as soon as Jeongin said the company. He had no idea which floor or which room. Jisung just wanted to find her.

Foreign Idol ~ Han Jisung -complete-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz