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The car ride was painful. Hiding from what I wanted to do. Once we arrived at the salon, Yeona, who was holding the camera, turned it off and left the car. The others followed her leaving me behind.

Trying to gather my thoughts, I soon left the car as well. I stumbled into the building and was immediately in awe. The place was spacious and decorated beautifully.

My mouth hung open. But a tap on my shoulder brought me back to my senses. I turned around and was greeted by a very friendly-looking lady. Her smile was bright and her eyes made moon crescents when she did. She was absolutely stunning.

"Hello miss. Are you here for your appointment?" She asked.

My mind went blank. It was like I forgot all of my months of study.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I d-don't understand," was the only phrase I could stutter.

She seemed to understand and bowed quickly before running off. I was left in utter confusion and couldn't find anyone I knew to help me. That was until Jihyun-unnie tapped my shoulder.

"Maya? You okay, you look distressed?" She asked.

"I've forgotten how to speak..." I muttered, slightly embarrassed.

She chuckled at my shy behaviour and patted my back.

"It's okay, that'll happen," she smiled and guided me to where the other girls were.

I sat beside Sara on the edge of the couch, waiting to be called. I sat there fidgeting with my fingers, slightly blushing.

"Did the worker lady make you flustered?" Sara said and nudged my side.

"W-what!? N-no!" I denied.

"You sure? Because I'm pretty sure you haven't forgotten how to speak Korean since you started," she wriggled her eyebrows.

I sighed heavily in defeat, "it's not my fault she beautiful," I looked down and blushed.

She laughed, but stopped when our names were called. All five of us stood up and moved to a private room. Some of the customers and employees were gasping, already knowing who we were. Well, who they were.

Those in the store gave me a glare as I walked past with them. I fixed my mask  pulled my hair over my face and looked down, feeling intimated. I know how obsessive some fans can be.

We all sat in a line, facing the mirrors. 5 very friendly looking ladies all came up behind us and smiled.

"Hello!" The lady behind me spoke, she young looking and was absolutely stunning, but honestly, isn't everyone here?

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good, how are you?" I asked back.

"I'm very well, thank you. So.. what do you plan on getting down today?" She questioned, kind of playing with my hair.

"I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to get done," I chuckled awkwardly, "Jihyun-nim?" I called.

Jihyun-unnie came over from talking to Jiyeon's stylist.

"What's the matter?"

"What am I doing for her today?" My stylist asked her.

"Could you possibly do something like this?" Jihyun said while showing her some pictures.

"Alright! I'll get started," she said brightly and Jihyun-nim walked off to one of the other girls.

"So... what are you going to do?" I asked, slightly anxious.

"That will be a surprise," the lady smiled, "my name is Haeun by the way."

"I'm Maya," I smiled back.

"Are you under a company?" Haeun asked.

"I am. How did you know?" I questioned, baffled.

"You weren't allowed to pick your hairstyle," she said, "we get a lot of K-pop idols here. But I've never seen you five here before."

"We haven't debuted yet," I answered, but there wasn't a question.

"Oh, your group seems popular already. Seeming by the reaction of the customers when you walked in," we carried on the conversation as she led me towards the hair washing area.

"The other four girls have become pretty popular, even though they were only revealed as members 2 days ago,"

"And what about you? Are you not a member?" She puzzled.

"Well-" I stuttered, "I haven't been officially named as a member. My profile was leaked by one of my friends. No, ex-friend. So a lot of people have the idea of what I look like, but JYP hasn't put out a statement for the rumours."

"So you're in the new JYP group?"

"Oh..." I honestly didn't realise I spilled that, "I guess. But I don't know if being in the group will be well received."

I figured that Haeun was confused. She stayed silent and the look on her face that I could just see explained it.

"I'm not Asian, if you didn't notice. So it'll be hard to be accepted in the industry,"

"I honestly couldn't really see. I thought you were maybe half or something. Because of the mask and all," she chuckled, "you wearing contacts?"

Slightly embarrassed, I nodded and we continued talking. If felt like such a short time but was really a full two hours when she finished.

The others looked stunning with their new looks. Looking badass as always, well apart from Yeona. She just looked cute honestly.

We waited near the front entrance for Jihyun. I was playing a game on my phone when someone tapped my shoulder. My head sprung up, revealing Haeun.

"Oh, Haeun! Thank you again for this, it looks amazing," I smiled happily.

"No worries, I'm glad you like it," she smiled as well, "about your debut. I'm sure everyone will love you. You have an amazing personality and I was starstruck when you took off your mask. You're gorgeous." She said making me blush. To tell the truth, I'm actually a fan of yours. The polls are all positive and there is little hate," she continued, "but I also saw the vlive. I hope you're okay."

I was a little surprised that she was a fan. But I was thrilled that she was too.

"I'm fine, it was just a spam caller and I didn't think anything of the comments. Thank you for asking," I smiled, quickly seeing Jihyun-nim coming back, "fans and Stray kids were there for me. But it seems that I have to leave now. It was great meeting you."

I waved at her before saying goodbye and hopping back in the van. I'm in a much better mood than this morning.


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