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It's close to a month now. All the messenger had been suited last week and other measures were put in place. Bodyguards were assigned to each member as a sasaeng was very invasive when we were leaving a shoot.

However, aside from that, our debut is next week. My official announcement as a member of Crown is going to be put out today. I was so nervous. How would people react to it?

"Maya!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone called me.

I ran across the hall and entered the practice room the other girls were in.

"We're going to do a live practice now," Sara spoke again.

I nodded and went to my position. Just as the music was about to play Manager-nim said something.

"Maya, after practice your profile should be released," she smiled, "I'll give you your phone back then."

I nodded and the music started.

My phone has been under strict supervision for the past month. I could only have it after training or in the morning. Throughout the day it was in the hands of a trusted staff member or Jihyun-unnie.

The rumours Sarah had spread died down a couple of weeks after she posted them. No one really took interest in it anymore. There was no other information that anyone could spread. Fans decided to ignore it until I had an official profile as a group member. Which would be today.

I haven't posted on any social media platforms. Nor even in vlive. That was a request from JYP.

It was now close to 5PM when we finished all the album songs and a few covers. There were a few cameras packing up from filming for the reality show. I had been shown in most clips now, but they haven't been released yet. Well, they will today.

The girls went back to the dorm after practice was finished. They were all extremely worn out and needed rest. I waved them goodbye when they left the room, I followed their action soon after. But going to a different place.

I strutted to the studio JYP assigned me. I was going to work on some new tracks for our next album and perfect the one for our debut. I was going to do that until there was a knock at the door.

My head darted towards the sound to find a smiling Changbin and Minho. I smiled back and gestured them to enter.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as they sat down behind me.

I closed the work tabs on the computer, which was connected to the tv and turned to face the two.

"We saw you come in here and wanted to say hi, nothing special really," Minho explained.

I hummed, while nodding, "did you just finish rehearsal?"

"No. We just got back from a promotion shoot. The others are slow getting here," Changbin chuckled, "we're actually heading to the studio next door."

"Oh cool," I was going to speak again but there was another knock at the door.

The three of us turned our attention to the door and saw the Aussie line.

"Lixie!" I ran up to him and gave him a hug, "Chris!" I hugged him too.

I had become a lot closer to the members of Stray Kids. Mostly Chan and Felix because of our similarities.

"Did you not miss me?" Hyunjin asked with a pout.

"Of course I did," I gave him a hug too.

"We saw the official announcement, everyone seems to be so excited," Chan blurted.

"It's already out?" I turned to grab my phone.

I read through the JYP post and a wide smile creeped on my face. The boys smiled subconsciously while looking at me.

"The others are in the studio now," Felix said, talking to the two who were previously in the room.

They stood up and left with Felix and Hyunjin. I looked back at Chan and smiled softly.

"Would you like to join us? We're going to record some things and maybe do a vlive. I know that the others would really like to see you again. They missed you," he asked.

"Sure! Let me finish up here and I'll be right over," he left and I saved and shut down things.

When I was leaving the room my phone vibrated. I saw a message from Jihyun-nim.


Your debut date has been released!

You and the girls will do a vlive tomorrow after some things scheduled

15th this month.
2 weeks to go

Thank you Jihyun-unnie!
See you later tonight.
I'm with stray kids at the moment



Being just excited was an understatement. I squealed a little bit, jumping up and down. I burst through the door of the other studio and tried to form words but couldn't.

"What happened Maya?" Seungmin asked.

"Calm down," Jeongin patted my back.

"The debut date has been set?!" I smiled widely, my face started to hurt.

"Really?!" They all shouted together.

Foreign Idol ~ Han Jisung -complete-Where stories live. Discover now