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Firstly we discussed stray kids and what's been going on in their agendas for fans. It really seemed like the hosts were ignoring us at first. It had to take the producer to flag them to get us involved. At that point, we weren't even introduced yet. However, they followed directions and we made our appearance.

We discussed our current concepts with the hosts. Eventually, it came to the meaning behind our group and fandom names.

"So, Crown? What does it mean?" Coni asked.

"Well, Crown and Royals were originally Maya's idea. Why don't you explain it M?" Sara explained.

"Sure," the worry prominent in my voice and most likely the uncomfortable expression plastered on my face, "Royals are what keep a crown held high on top of their heads. Meaning Royals, our fandom, are what keep us, the Crown, held high and on top."

"There was another name for our fandom, which was Jewels. It was the same meaning but vis versa. That we hold up our fandom high," Ami smiled.

"Wow! That's very nice," Doni exclaimed.

"What are your relationships like with each other? You all seem quite close," Coni pointed out, no segway at all.

It seemed like an invasive question and none of us were too comfortable with him asking. I tensed up and panicked.

'What if they ask about the rumours from a while ago? The rumours were from ages ago but there were many articles. They said they read lots of them about me... Would they bring up the scandal between Han and me?' I thought panicking.

"Sara, Yeona, and I have met stray kids-sunbaenim around the halls many times throughout our training period. Close to and after debut, we all became quite close friends," JiJi explained.

"How come?" Coni asked again.

"Actually, Maya was the first member to really be good friends with them," Sara smiled.

Why the heck did you just put me on the spot like that!!

All attention was on me. All eyes. The members, the host, the staff, the camera. Main character moment failed.

"Uhh... on my audition day I met 3RACHA. They were very nice and understanding. We got along quickly and shared many of the same skills and interests," I explained, slightly rushed, "Chan, Felix, and I all got along as we could all reminisce over things back home in Australia, they became my protective brothers. Minho and Hyunjin were a huge help with dance-"

"What are you saying!? You helped us don't be modest!" Minho interrupted. His words made us all chuckle.

"Jeongin and Seungmin were really kind and helped me with my singing. Which improved a lot thanks to them. Also, Jeongin and I could rant to each other about being babied by our members for being the youngest once the language barrier was gone," I smiled at the group of males, remembering all of the good memories that we made over the past 5 years.

"I was always around the girls so they met naturally. Eventually, we became one big friend group. They are all like my family, my home away from home. I'm really appreciative of them, they've all helped me when I was struggling. I love them all so much."

"What were you struggling with? Why?" Doni asked.

He ruined the mood.

3rd POV

Maya tensed up and it was clearly visible to the others. Obviously not the older men but to her friends. They became worried for the youngest. Just wanted to run over and give her the tightest hug until she was nearly out of air.

Maya became trapped in her own thoughts. She spaced out. Sara, who was the closest Crown member to Maya, held the girl's hand reassuringly. It snapped her out of the trance and she looked up frantically.

Maya looked at the boys. Their faces filled with worry and annoyance towards the hosts. She searched for one person in particular. Upon making eye contact with him, he gave her a bright smile. One that seemed to calm Maya's anxiety. She gathered herself and turned to the hosts.

Before she could even open her mouth, the question was answered for her.

"That is a question that will not be answered. It is invasive and is a topic that should not be spoken about," Ami snapped, she was now protective over the youngest girl.

They all were. From the moment the elder men targeted her specifically till the present time. Never letting their guard down.

"I CAN'T DEAL WITH THE NEW GENERATION ANYMORE! YOU ARE ALL ARROGANT BASTARDS THAT DON'T KMOW HOW TO RESPECT YOUR ELDERS!" Doni snapped, "let's take a break!" He walked out of the filming 'stage' and off into the distance.

It was quiet. Maybe too quiet. The staff didn't say anything. The only thing that was heard after a while was Jihyun-unnie asking the director to cut that out but send her the clip.

It was definitely a shock that the older male threw a tantrum but it was funny to the two groups.

"What's got his knickers in a twist?" Chan asked, his accent prominent, as they walked over to where the girls were standing.

"Dunno mate," Maya replied back.

She jumped slightly upon feeling a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a chin rest on her shoulder. Relaxing once hearing the owner of the arms voice.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked.

Maya turned around while in his arms and smiled at the older. She nodded before melting into his warm embrace. The others awed at the cute scene. They loved how the time spent apart didn't affect their relationship at all. Maybe they had more of a desire to get affection but the 'couple' were as close as ever.

Sorry for not updating
I hope this chapter was enjoyable
I won't be publishing as much from now on (maybe like a chapter every just less than a fortnight?)
But school is starting up again and I have assignments due in the first week, lovely😚👍
Thank you for reading and for all the support
Thank you for 25K!!!!

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