3.8- Rosie

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I don't think I could have been any more nervous than I was when I watched harry pull into the driveway. my parents already judging him over everything.

his hair was long! longer than fletchers and you know how unruly his is! don't you think pants exist that don't look like...that! he didn't even shake my hand! I mean was he raised by wolves?

I was fine in the morning when they cornered me into having dinner with him. I tried lying and yet they still saw right through me as if it was obvious. what plans would he have more important than meeting your parents?

I had kept my mouth shut just as I had a million times before. so many things were more important than meeting my parents.

and I kept trying to tell myself it was just dinner, this whole thing would end eventually it wasn't as if we would be stuck at that table forever.

I had jumped to the door faster than they had when the bell rang.

harry stood there dressed in a nice black button-down and jeans. he grinned at me, pointing out a ring covered finger to my dress, "I haven't seen that one before,"

I looked down at the simple baby blue fabric, "do you like it?"

"Rosie I love everything you wear," he said stepping into the house as I closed the door behind him. he leaned down kissing my cheek.

"you didn't have to dress all nice," I muttered to him tugging on his shirt sleeve.

"do you like it?" eyes looking down over his outfit.

"harry I love everything you wear," I chuckle.

"haha you're always good at stealing my lines," and his fingers tickle my side making me laugh.

I didn't even notice my parents already standing at the end of the hall until my mother cleared her throat. both me and harry almost jumping a foot away from each other even if we weren't doing anything bad.

"Hi it's great seeing you again Mrs.onings," harry smiled reaching out a hand to my mother who eyed him as if she had never seen him in her life, even if I knew she was glued to the front window waiting to see him anytime he picked me up. "and great to finally meet you Mr.onings."

my father didn't care as much as my mother did. he shook Harry's hand nodding as If in approval.

I didn't know how nervous I would be, I knew something would happen but I didn't know what. we were only a few minutes in and yet I felt sick, sick until we were sitting at the table and harry was holding my hand under the table cloth.

but then they started asking questions.

"oh wait wasn't it fletcher who wanted to do something in music? I'd hope that doesn't run in the family. what is it you what to do?"

"oh I'm not really solidifying on anything now but I'd like to look into teaching," harry smiled eating another forkful of pasta.

"ha that's that Rosie wanted to look into but of course we all know she's smarter than that. you know we're already looking at colleges with great biology programs for her. I'm sure you would change your mind if she does."

I'd never seen harry's face change so quickly. one moment he was smiling then his features twisted into confusion before a fake smiled replaced any look of displeasure. he squeezed my hand under the table. "biology? I always saw her as more of a chem girl," he chuckled but I knew it wasn't real.

"oh yeah chemistry is great but then again biology is better for getting your medical degree. you know max Arnold right? he's going into biology too, right honey?" my mother asked head tilting to me in question. I had asked her not to bring up the Arnold's and yet here she was.

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