3.9- Harry

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it had been a while since I had spent time with anyone but Rosie and on occasion fletcher and his friends. 

I was invited out with my friends almost every night until they stopped asking. I felt bad watching us drift apart but I didn't enjoy the same things I did before. parties didn't seem interesting when I didn't get drunk off my ass and found myself at some random girl's house. instead, I found a new pleasure in showing up on Rosie's doorstep the night her parents left for some conference. 

my phone going off in my pocket for the first time in a while but I didn't care because I was laying in Rosie's bed as she sat in my lap using her fingers to spread a facemask over my skin. I do the same in return. avoiding her eyes as I went finger following the smooth slope of her nose. I go over the apples of her cheeks as she smiles stuttering over a joke. 

her hair pushed back from her face with a white headband, mine held back with a similar kind. I couldnt believe this is what my life was like right now. I couldnt believe I was in love with someone. I couldnt believe I was sitting in a girl's bed letting her put a facemask on me. coudlnt believe I had been anticipating the night with such fucking joy even if we were only going to be watching tv together. 

"This is fucking freezing," I muttered rudding circles over her cheeks. 

"but you will look so very pretty after," she whispers as if we're not in the house alone, as if the TVs not playing a re-run of an episode of friends. 

her fingers brush over my cheeks, over my forehead. she leaned down planting a swift kiss on my lips before sliding off of me and taking a seat next to me on the bed. "how long do I have to keep this on?" 

"for as long as I say." she smiles wiping my hands with a towel. 

we moved in closer to each other not talking only watching the tv. Rosie plays with the rings on my fingers. my phone going off obnoxiously in my pocket. 

"don't you want to answer it?" she asks looking cute even with her face covered in the green mush. 

"it's probably Liam drunk texting me again, he likes to relay the entire night when I'm gone all in broken words." 

she laughs shaking her head, fingers intertwining in mine. 

but my phone did not stop going off and when we were in rosies small bathroom rising our faces, me flicking water at Rosie who laughed splashing me right back, her phone began to ring and go off as well. 

"It Calum," she muttered, eyebrows knitted together as she answered. I knew she only even talked to Fletcher over the phone so this was new because it was late, nearly eleven at night. 

Rosie didn't even get one word in before I could hear a panicked Calum over the phone, "Calum slow down I don't know what you're talking about-"

I pulled out my own phone to be greeted with an array of texts not just from Liam but from all my friends texting about Max fucking Arnold and the shit he was saying about me at his party. it was funny to think I was so important to him. 

but then a new string of texts came flooding in. 

get here now 

Arnold beat the shit out of Fletcher 

someone called the fucking cops 

and I could tell by the look on rosies fragile features that she was getting the same news. 

"where is he?" she stuttered already moving to grab her coat. "we're on our way, thanks Calum," 

she hung up the phone her little hand shaking as it fell to her side. I didn't let the anger I was feeling boil over not now when she was here looking as hurt as I wanted to hurt max fucking Arnold. no scratch that I wanted to make him fucking suffer. twice he had fucked with Fletcher and once more I would fucking handle it. 

"he's going to be okay Rosie," and it was the only thing I could think to say. 

 "Can you drive me to the hospital?" she whispered moving to tug on her shoes. I'd never seen her like this, moving through the motions trying not to look too deeply into the situation. I knew she was trying to separate things to make them seem not as big. 

"of course love," I said as we both made our way out the door and to the hospital.  

the ride was silent as we went, the only hospital in our small town was run down and painted bright pink on the inside to try and hide the sadness of how old the place was. I had spent a lot of time here in my childhood, id been a rough player and broken bones more often than not or needed stitches from falling out of trees or off of slides. it was here where id met Fletcher for the first time when I was young, a moment my father probably never wanted to relive. 

now we made our way into the room with all the curtains blocking off each bed. Rosie went forward already seeing Fletcher talking to our father who looked pissed. 

fletcher looked worst for wear, face already puffy on one side. I had a gash on his cheek already purple around the edge, his knuckles were swollen and red as well, the skin there broken from I assume fighting back. his shirt was off and his chest was covered in new blooming bruises. 

"no, we are pressing fucking charges I don't care if you don't think we should, this is twice, fucking twice Fletcher," our father muttered as Fletcher rolled his eyes. 

"I started it," 

"but as the video shows-"

"I still went up first-"

"he hit you first that's what matters," 


"no we are not talking about this any more," and when Rosie stepped into the eyesight my father shut up, eyes flicking to me. he pointed an aggressive finger my way. "and don't you even fucking think about doing anything like last time,"

I held up my hands in defense already knowing it was a lie as I was thinking over ways I would inflict more pain upon max fucking Arnold. 


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