0.4 - Rosie

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I twirled my pencil in my hand bored as I waited for class to start. my legs crossed over each other, one of my flats hanging on by the edge of my toes, disconnected from my heel as I let it snap back in place then out again.

fletcher was blowing up my phone with apologies for dissing me for his other friends tonight. and I knew that it didn't bother me but fletcher always was very apologetic trying to get all of us to hang out and not just separately.

I liked them enough but they were all very close and I didn't feel as if I belonged. so when we had all tried hanging out id felt so odd, they all liked the same music, movies, foods. I on the other hand, besides the obvious fact of me being a female, felt completely out of my element seeing as we all had completely different interests.

luke hemmings was a tall lanky boy, he played with his lip ring and it annoyed me how often he pulled it between his teeth. he always made smart comments about things that made me roll my eyes. Ashton Irwin, another tall giant almost was too smart for his own good, he was always trying to prove me wrong and I so badly wanted to wring his neck for it 'you're top of the class but you didn't know..." it made my blood boil. then Calum hood, all cute and silent as he picked at his food, I had nothing agent him he is the person everyone expects me to be best buds with but we have completely different dislikes and likes. then Michael Clifford, nice and very loud, too loud some times.

fletcher fit in perfectly with them and after our one hang out session I felt bad for not wanting to be put into the awkward position of sixth wheeling.

so when they hung out I was left alone to myself just to do homework or watch movies in bed. I quite liked the alone time but fletcher always felt bad about leaving me alone. he also told me luke commented I needed to make more friends and I knew this but luke didn't need to be telling my business like that.

as the teacher began class I sat up trying to ignore the vibration of my phone in my bag, not loud enough for anyone else to hear. as we began our quite work, the door to the class opened and in walked harry.

he didn't look happy as he passed his paper over to the teacher, it seemed to be his schedule but I couldnt see from how far I was.

"well, Mr. styles it seems we only have one seat left, over by Miss Onings." when my name left the teacher's mouth my head snapped up, this could not be happening.

Harry laughed when he looked over to me, well more like a exhale from his nose and puffing of his chest as if in disbelief. he moved though the dests clumps dropping his bag down on the ground before pulling his seat out to sit.

"here you go, miss onings can help explain what we're doing." the paper we were assigned fluttering down in front of Harry who nodded.

everyone was still doing their work not caring about what we were now doing, the teacher moving back to his desk to finish his grades .

"Fancy seeing you here," harry stated pulling out a mechanical pencil to work with.

"fancy." I nod looking back down at my worksheet, id almost completed it only two more questions to do.

"what are we doing?" he asks looking down at his own page, blank before writing down in his messy scrawl his name and date.

"um just basic factoring as a refresher before moving to bigger topics, we learned it earlier in the year but some people forgot," I say already continuing the next problem. harry watched me as I did it with ease.

"I guess not you then." he chuckled starting on his own problems, he went almost as fast as I did, stopping for a second to think then continuing.

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