Chapter 29

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I look around the academy garden, the surrounding soothing, yet I feel a strange emptiness within me.

The cool evening breeze blows my hair and I tame some strands covering my face by tucking them behind my ears.

As the nagging restlessness grows inside me, I sigh and think about it's source.

My recent conversation with Rajveer Sir.

I recall everything he told me last night.

I know now that he distanced himself from me for me. He behaved rudely with me for me.

He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do.

But it wasn't right. He took the decision for me and didn't even think of talking about it with me first.

"May I sit here?"

I startle out of my thoughts as soon as I hear his voice.

Looking up, I see Rajveer Sir standing in front of me.

I give him a slight nod and he sits beside me.

"You were looking lost in your thoughts earlier, Naina. Is there something bothering you?" He asks and I let out a wry chuckle.

"What happened?" He looks inquiringly at me.

"It had been so long since you talked properly with me that I felt strange about you asking me about my worries," I reply honestly. "Then the very next moment I realized how absurd it was that I felt strange because of such simple thing."

He sighs, nodding understandingly at me. "Things have changed between us."

"I didn't want it to change," I counter almost immediately.

"I also didn't want that, Naina. But--"

"But what, Sir?" I interrupt him. "I cannot understand why you took the decision of behaving that way with me, insulting me and giving up on being my mentor in front of everyone.

"You thought it to be the best option to protect our reputation and went through with it without even asking me if I wanted that.

"Let alone discussing about it with me, you did not even stop to think how your decision will affect me."

"What was I supposed to do then, Naina?" He stands from the bench and walks a few steps ahead before turning back to me.

"Was I supposed to stand by and watch as everyone talked nonsense about you? Was I supposed to do nothing when everyone judged your character because they believed you were having an affair with m--" He abruptly stops, taking a deep breath and turning away from me.

I sigh as I contemplate on his words.

Agreed it was not the best decision he took, but I am beginning to understand why he took such rash decision.

"But what you did created more rumors and taunts, Sir. It didn't help me," I tell him.

He turns back after a few seconds, walking to where I am seated.

After looking around for a few seconds to ensure no one was watching us, he kneels in front of me.

"I know that now, Naina," he says, taking my hands gently in his. "You have no idea how sorry I am.

"I have realized now that although my intention behind taking that decision was right, the decision itself was wrong.

"I am sorry, Naina, that you had to hear such disgusting taunts and fight with those rumors alone. I am really very sorry.

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