Chapter 3

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After finishing my classes for the day with the second-year cadets, I walk to the academy ground to observe the first-year cadets' drill with Major Prabhat Nair, another faculty member of KMA.

Making the report on drills and classes of KMA and submitting the report to my superior officers at the head office is also a part of my duty.

Brigadier Chandok was not happy hearing this but had reluctantly agreed, not having any choice on the matter.

As I reach closer to the ground where the cadets are being trained, I hear Major Nair's booming voice.

"Cadet Naina Singh, this is a military academy, not some civilian college where you can argue with your teacher. But you girls cannot help it, can you? If it were up to me, I would ban all the girls from entering the military academy," Nair shouts, and I feel disgusted by his words.

He has not changed even one bit.

With short hair over his head and that big mustache on his face, he looks as cunning as he is from within.

When I was a cadet in this academy ten years back, Major Nair had been biased towards the boys then too, not liking the girls training to be army officers.

I still remember how this man used to look down at the girl cadets of my batch, with absolute disdain on his face.

He used to despise them, and even after all these years, his views are unchanged regarding the girls in the army.

"Well, Sir, then I am glad that it is not up to you. And I am not arguing with you. I am just saying that there is some defect in that rifle. If you think I am wrong, then you use that rifle and see for yourself," Naina replies, and I am surprised, seeing her so calmly answer back to Major.

Usually, the cadets become nervous and even cry with Major Nair's scolding, but this girl is standing so calmly in front of him like she is casually discussing the weather with him.

"Shut up, Cadet Singh. I want you to take ten rounds of the ground now, holding a rifle above your head. That will teach you not to argue with your teachers in the future." Nair sneers at her.

As Naina walks away from there to the corner of the ground holding a rifle in her hand, I approach her.

"Got your first punishment on your first day, Cadet?" I ask.

"Well, Sir, I just bruised someone's ego, and that person had to do something to soothe that ego," she answers me.

For a moment, I am stumped by her reply.

I have not met anyone so confident and so self-assured as her.

It makes me wonder if she is really like this or if it is just an act.

No one, not even Brigadier Chandok, knows I am posted here as an officer on special duty.

There is a nuclear trigger in this academy.

The other trigger is at Arunachal Military Academy (AMA), and another army officer is going there undercover to protect it.

It is imperative that we keep both these triggers safe at any cost. Because if they fell into the wrong hands, it would be catastrophic for our nation's safety.

According to the intelligence report at the headquarter, someone has planted spies in KMA and AMA to steal the triggers.

We are still unaware of the spy's identity.

So, I need to regard everyone in KMA with suspicion and Captain Vikram will be doing the same in AMA.

We do not know if that spy has already entered the academy or will join here after a few days, but until and unless that spy comes under our radar, we need to consider everyone suspiciously until they are proven innocent.

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