Chapter 28

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Third Person's POV

Rajveer paces in his living room, waiting for Naina to arrive.

Today is the first time he directly heard the disgusting talks that Naina is being taunted with every day, and he is feeling guiltier than ever.

He knows she would have come to him, asking for his support and solution if he had acted wisely and not distanced her from him.

No wonder she is in such stress, and no wonder she looks so defeated and lost.

She already had a wound due to her innocent brother being falsely accused and declared a traitor, and now in KMA, that wound is being scratched repeatedly, making it deep enough to break his brave Naina.

He was relieved when Brigadier Chandok announced earlier that whatever happened in the mentorship camp was a misunderstanding.

Brigadier has also warned everyone about the consequences of spreading those rumors about him and Naina, giving them the example of those three cadets who are being sent to the correction center tomorrow for their behavior with Naina.

He jolts out of his thoughts when he hears a knock at the door.

Opening it, he sees Naina standing outside, and feels slightly disappointed because she knocked this time instead of barging inside without knocking like she usually does.

But he knows their relationship is not like before, and he has no one but himself to blame for that.

"Naina, I was waiting for you. Please come inside," he says.

"I wanted to talk with you regarding your training, Naina. I have been reassigned as your mentor. I believe you received the letter about it?"

"Yes, Sir, I got the letter. Thank you for being my mentor again. I will not disappoint you this time by coming to you with all my problems and worries. I will try to build my path this time with you to guide me as little as possible," she replies.

Rajveer is surprised by her cool and calm reaction.

'This is not my Naina. She would not have accepted all this so easily. She would have fought with me, asking me why I wanted to be her mentor again after abandoning her. I cannot let her be this way. I will explain everything,' he thinks.

"Naina, I am sorry for the way I behaved with you in the past few days. I should not have bashed you like that. Please understand that whatever I did, it was for you.

"I did not want anyone to question your honor because of me. I did that to douse the rumor, but I had no idea of the consequences you would face because of my rash decision. Please forgive me," he apologizes earnestly, hoping she will understand.

"It's ok, Sir. I know it had to be done. After all, your honor was also on the line, along with mine. You don't have to apologize," Naina says.

Rajveer is frustrated by her behavior.

She has been looking at the floor ever since she entered his room and is speaking mechanically and accepting everything without questioning.

He knows she is hurt and is trying to hide from him, but he must bring her out of this.

So, he determinedly walks toward her and grips her shoulders, willing her to look at him.

"Shout at me for abandoning you when you needed me. Shout at me for being stupid and hurting you. But, please, Naina, do not hide from me," he pleads with her.

She looks at him, his hands on her shoulder, his voice almost pleading, urging her for the reaction.

As she continues peering at him, she feels her tolerance snap.

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