Chapter 78

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Walking out of the hospital, I try calling Naina one more time.

"Where are you, Naina?"

I cut the call on hearing the same thing about her phone being switched off for the nth time.

The last time I saw her was outside the courtroom a few hours back, after the trial was over.

When Captain Salve had started interrogating her, I had felt acute pain wash through me when she tried to assasinate mine as well as Naina's character to establish the motive for my crime.

I had felt my heart clench painfully when she gave my feelings the face of lust in front of everyone.

Sensing Naina's eyes on me at that time, I had glanced at her, seeing her trying to silently reassure me.

Only I know how I had stopped myself then when all I wanted to do was shout at the top of my lungs that I love Naina. That my feelings for her are pure and true. It was not some cheap thought I had about wanting to get her body.

Even now, thinking about how Captain Salve had cheapened my emotions, I feel both pain and anger course within me.

But I was surprised by how Naina handled it and also proud of how she tweaked everything in our favor.

Even Captain Mohit did his best to defy Captain Salve’s arguments. And he was successful too.

And without the motive being established, it was imperative that the judge give a second hearing date to decide whether or not I was guilty of the crimes that I was accused of.

That made me hopeful. Because if we could get a few more days, maybe we would have been able to get to the original red box and also the trigger in order to incriminate the real culprits.

As the judge was about to give us the date, Abhimanyu surprised us by standing up from his seat and saying that he would like to confess.

Judge also allowed him, asking him to get to the witness stand and say whatever he has to say.

After getting to the stand, he went on confessing everything.

Him meeting Lala Gehlot and discussing about the red box.

Lala Gehlot proposing him about not getting the red box in return for trapping me so I would get out of both their ways.

Them planning to steal the trigger first, which was easy for them to do as Abhimanyu was one of the officers with the access card and the security code to get to the code.

Abhimanyu told the court everything that had happened the night the trigger was stolen and Chaubey was killed.

To not let anyone to suspect him even remotely, Abhimanyu himself stayed in the academy, pretending to prepare for the gathering he had perfectly planned for that night.

Instead of him carrying out everything, he gave the code and his access card to one of the lieutenants in the headquarter who stole the trigger from there without letting anyone find out about it.

Since he was one of the officers in the headquarter, he cleverly carried it out, from taking the trigger by duping his other colleagues to erasing the CCTV footage in order to cover all his tracks.

When Lt. Chaubey went to check on the trigger before coming to the academy to meet me, he found the trigger missing.

As soon as he knew about it, he was about to inform me. But before he could call me, one of the Lala’s moles in the headquarter handed him a burner phone which had Abhi in the line.

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