Chapter 53

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Third Person's POV

Rajveer is making a cup of coffee for himself when he hears his quarter's door being flung open.

He shakes his head, realizing this one thing will never change. His Naina will never learn to knock on the door.

"Naina, what is it with you and not knocking on the door? I wonder if it is only with me that you do this or you do not knock on other people's door too," he says, walking to the living room with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Rajveer, we have not been able to meet for the last three days after I returned to KMA, and when I finally got the time to come here to meet you, you are talking about my knocking habit," Naina huffs and sits on the couch.

Rajveer smiles, seeing her pouty face. "I am sorry, Naina. The work has been crazy in the headquarters. Especially with Abhi's impending arrival and our plan to trap Ritu, we are working overtime to make sure everything works out smoothly."

"When is Captain Abhimanyu arriving?" Naina asks him.

"He will be arriving the day after tomorrow, Naina," Rajveer answers, forwarding his cup of coffee to her. "Coffee?"

Naina takes the cup, smiling at him. "Do you have something to eat too? I am hungry."

"Hmm, I do not have anything to cook as I did not have time to go to market and buy the groceries, but I did bring some fruits while returning from the headquarter today. I will bring them for you," Rajveer says, and walks to the kitchen to bring the fruits for her.

When he returns, Naina scrunches her nose seeing strawberries and grapes in the bowl that he brought.

"I want to eat something spicy. Not these plain fruits," she says.

"Hmm, I know how to make these fruits spicy. Do you want to eat it my way?" Rajveer asks, winking at her.

Naina narrows her eyes at him. The way he was looking at her, she knew he was up to something.

"May I ask what your way is, Captain Shekhawat?"

"You may not ask, Cadet Singh. But if you say yes, I can show it to you," Rajveer replies, sitting on the couch and scooting closer to her.

"Let's see your way then," Naina says, feeling her heart beat rapidly against her chest due to his proximity.

Getting her permission, Rajveer takes one strawberry from the bowl and brings it to her lips.

He traces her bottom lip with that strawberry.

"Open your mouth, Naina."

Naina slightly opens her mouth, gett8ng flustered due to his deep, commanding voice.

"Wider, Naina," he demands, and she obliges.

Rajveer keeps the strawberry in the space between her teeth.

"Bite on it, Naina," he says, and she closes her mouth to bite and chew the strawberry.

While doing it, some of the juices flow out of the corner of her lips, and Rajveer leans forward to lick the juice from her mouth.

Naina gulps down the fruit, gasping when she feels Rajveer's tongue at the corner of her mouth.

She opens her eyes to look at him and feels a shiver run through her when she peers into the hooded look in his eyes.

She leans toward him to place a quick peck on his lips, but a surprised gasp escapes her mouth, when he keeps his hand on the back of her head to keep her close to him and presses his lips firmly on hers to deepen the kiss.

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