Chapter 63

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Third Person's POV

Entering her room, Naina hurriedly closes the door and slumps against it.

Raising her fingers to her mouth, she traces her lips, remembering the feel of his lips against hers.

A sob escapes her mouth as she realizes how much she misses him, misses the warmth of his love, misses everything about him.

She had been so rude to him. She did not even try to understand him and his dilemma. 

She accused him and threw such angry and mean words at him. Even broke off their engagement.

'Not only that, but I also pointed the gun at him that day, telling him I wanted to give him the same pain he gave Naveen.' Her heart clenches painfully in her chest as she remembered the devastated look marring his face as soon as she said that.

"He probably hates me now. That is why he did not kiss me back. That is why he pushed me away," she whispers, and more tears slide out of her eyes.

Earlier, she had gone to his quarter to apologize to him and tell him that she now understood his reason behind pulling the trigger on Naveen. She had hoped to persuade him not to leave the academy.

'And what I did instead? I kissed him without telling him anything I wanted to.' She shakes her head, heat creeping up her face as she recalled the confused look on his face when he looked at her after the kiss.

"What must he be thinking of me? He must think I have gone crazy."

When he was shouting at her, asking all those questions, she saw the hurt in his eyes. 

She had walked toward him then, wanting to reassure him and tell him she is sorry for everything she put him through, but when she got closer to him, she forgot everything.

All she could think was how much she loved him and what he meant to her. 

So, without thinking, she leaned toward him and pressed her lips against his. 

It had felt so good and so right that she had kept her hands on his nape, pulling him even closer to her, moving her lips against his as she felt his body against hers.

But when he kept his hands on her shoulder and moved back, she realized she must not have done that. Especially without telling him about her misunderstanding being cleared and apologizing to him.

Along with that realization came another cognizance that he pushed her without kissing her back.

She knew she deserved it, but still, it hurt.

"If him only doing that hurt me, then how much it would have hurt him when I had been rude to him each time without even giving him a chance to explain why he shot Naveen?"

Another sob escapes her lips as she begins to understand how much her actions and words would have hurt him.


Rajveer returns to his quarter after putting up his name for the appraisal, his mind preoccupied with Naina and her kiss.

He is still confused as to why she kissed him.

She herself told him that he does not have any place in her life anymore and their relationship will forever remain dead. 

She even took off her engagement ring and handed it to him. All because she thinks of him to be Naveen's murderer.

'Then why kiss me and stop me from going away? Why?' He frowns, trying hard to understand the reason behind her action.

When he is unable to think of any reason, he decides to ask Naina about it. 

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