• Undercover Love (pt.1)

Start from the beginning

"Yes. I handled it to the best of my ability."

"You know how to take care of yourself."

"Yes I've been trained in self-defence, as well as--"

"So you can handle yourself physically, Miss (y/n). But what about mentally? Your emotions?"

"I've received all the necessary training in order to work as an undercover police officer." You say impatiently, "This wasn't my first rodeo. I've worked two undercover cases before."

The woman nods in apparent agreement, but you get the distinct impression she's just humouring you and is about to drop some sort of dramatic bombshell.

"So you're more than aware of the risks involved, and the stress of assuming a fake identity. The inconvenience of having to live in a new environment without contact with loved ones."


She pauses, probably for dramatic effect, and then she drops it. The bombshell you've been expecting but dreading.

"So, lets talk about Arthur Fleck for a moment."

Staring back at her, you attempt to keep your face expressionless. It's a bigger challenge than anyone could realise; as your heart rate involuntarily began to speed up.

"Otherwise known as the Joker." She continues, her beady eyes watching you closely. Scrutinising every swallow, every blink, every nervous bite of your lip. "How did you address him? It is said that he won't tolerate being referred to as Arthur anymore. Did you call him Joker?"

Damn it. Was this a trick question that she already had the answer to? Otherwise why is it relevant? Okay you knew why. You were a cop after all. She was trying to determine how close the two of you were. Was your relationship with Joker purely professional and platonic.

For devilment you decide to be brutally honest. For no other reason than to enjoy the look on her face when you answered.

"Fleck. I called him Fleck."

Looking almost comically stunned, the woman leans forward in her chair; tilting her head slightly. Regarding you with morbid interest like you were an exhibit in a freak show.

Maybe you were now. That's what you'd become.

An undercover cop who'd gone rogue for Gotham's most wanted man.

"But, didn't that anger him? I find it astonishing that someone with his volatile temper wouldn't be angered by you dead-naming him. Are you saying he didn't find it at all offensive or disrespectful?"

"Look doc, when you work undercover you have to take on a whole new persona. You have to build a rapport with the lowlifes you're working alongside, in order to make the pretence believable."

To your annoyance she began to hastily scribble down notes.

"And, you built a rapport with him? Would you say the two of you became close?"

You felt heat creep into your cheeks; staining them pink. If that wasn't a testament to your guilt then you didn't know what was.

"We became as close as....as necessary, in order for me to carry out my investigations."

Jðkêr//Är†hµr x RêåÐêr ïmågïñê§ & ðñê-§hð†§ Where stories live. Discover now