Hana blushed at Christian's statement. He was so romantic when he was expressive. Hana and Christian met little under three weeks ago when the first of the high schoolers came to town. However when the two saw each other for the first time they could swear it was love at first sight. There was just something that the two couldn't explain about the other. It drew them to one another, and it lead to these private meetings.

"I'm happy you think that, but I wont risk you getting hurt or anything by Johnathan. I'd rather be flailed then watch that happen." Hana said as she embraced the man.

"Id rather be skinned then watch you be flailed. I'd rather die then watch you get hurt by anyone. I know we haven't known each other for very long but I genuinely feel something about you. Nothing will prove that wrong." Christian said returning the embrace. Hana's blush only deepened. Hearing his words and knowing he meant them was soothing for her.

"But until Johnathan can see reason we cant be public yet. I'm scared for you." Hana said. She gazed worryingly into his eyes. He only gazed lovingly back.

"I'll take the weight of the whole world for you. That's a promise." Christian whispered. Again Hana's blush deepened. She didn't speak, she only raised her head and brought her love into a kiss. She snaked her arms around his neck pressing herself into him. Christian gripped her waist as he returned every bits of love that she gave him. After a moment he picked her up and held her close. She wrapped her legs around his waist to steady herself and as the two broke their kiss they could only to stare and smile at each other. Christian moved to a nearby clean box and placed Hana on it. He moved in closer and nibbled her neck making her giggle as she held him tightly.

While this was going on the two inside the wardrobe were blushing furiously. They didn't know what was happening. Well they 'did' know what was happening they just didn't know how it happened. And the openly spewed love and pleasure the two older high schoolers were giving each other gave the two younger ones a bit of uneasiness. It also didn't help that the wardrobe they hid in was small. Yukari was pushed up to Williams chest as the boy tried his best to support the both of them without making any noise. He wasn't strong, so his strength was fading fast. It also didn't help that Yukari had a blush of her own as she shyly glanced at William every now and then. It made him a blushing mess even more so.

"Ngh, don't take things to far Christian. I don't think I'm ready for that." Hana said as she moaned. This made Yukari and William jump. Taking things to far? What were they doing?

"Don't worry, I'm not ready for any of that either. But I'm still going to show you how much I care for you." Christian said. The sound of the two loving each other was brought back up and again the two inside the wardrobe jumped. This situation was so embarrassing.

William had to close his eyes and try to get the mental image of Ms. Hana making out with this guy out of mind. He wasn't anything but happy for her though. While he got to know the Panzer IV crew he grew to respect the older members. Ms. Nishizumi and Ms. Hana even more so. It just made him uncomfortable to listen to them like this.

William opened his eyes and looked at Yukari and his eyes widened in shock at what he saw. Yukari was still blushing madly, but she was looking at him in the most wanting way he had ever seen. He thought she had literal hearts In her eyes. This only deepened his own blush.

"Yukari, are you ok?" He didn't know why he whispered that question because no, she didn't seem ok. Yukari shook her head.

"I'm sorry Will, I don't know why I feel this way. I'm feeling all weird. I don't know why but I want to kiss you like Hana is doing with that guy. I feel like I have to, does that make me a bad girl?" Yukari whispered back. She was scared. She had no idea why she felt this way, but she knew she felt obligated to.

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