Chapter one-hundred-three

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Later that day, the four Gryffindors found out that Katie Bell had returned to Hogwarts from St Mungo's. And on top of that, she was fit to play for the last match of term against Ravenclaw. The entirety of the Gryffindor house was very pleased with that, except for Dean Thomas who Harry had to kindly tell he was off the team. 

The first practice with Harry's ideal team went excellent. Everyone was happy McLaggen was off the team and Katie seemed to be better than ever. Even Ginny, who went just through a break-up, was the spirit of the team. Both her and Faith amused the team by doing impressions of Harry getting knocked off his broom and Ron anxiously waiting to save a goal. It kept the team pleasantly entertained and it gave Harry an innocent reason to keep an eye on his girlfriend. He had never been hit more by Bludgers that practice.

Harry and Faith's relationship was thriving, despite the fact that they could never seem to find the right moment to just be alone with each other for longer than thirty minutes. Ron and Hermione still held the record of catching them in the act most times but Ginny and Luna, who were hanging out more and more since Ginny broke up with Dean, were a close second. Their new favourite place to make-out was now the Room of Requirement but they could only reach that in between classes and during free periods. 

As the last match of the season was slowly looming over, the Gryffindors got more and more excited and had decided on applauding the team every time they returned to the common room after practice. This match would decide the championship and everything was still possible. If Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw by a margin of three hundred points they would win but if it was less they'd had to do with second place. If they lost by a hundred points they'd be third and if it was even more than a hundred they would be in the last place. 

Faith noticed how anxious it made Harry since Gryffindor hadn't placed last for over two centuries and this was his first year as Captain. Faith had an excellent way of keeping his mind off it, though, much to literally everyone's displeasure. The only one who didn't seem to mind walking in on them was Luna since she kept telling them about how it was a good way of keeping the Wrackspurts away.

Despite all the uproar about the coming match, Harry had not lost sight of his mission to find out what Malfoy was up to. He took Faith with him to try to get into the Room of Requirement multiple times and when they failed they'd use it for themselves. 

A couple of days before the Saturday of the match, Harry and Faith took their usual detour past the seventh-floor corridor whilst checking the map. They just finished dinner and couldn't wait to get some alone time again but they just had to check if Malfoy was in the Room. Harry didn't spot him so he assumed he was in the Room but he didn't see Crabbe or Goyle there.

"That's weird," Harry mumbled. He showed Faith the map. 

"What?" Faith asked and she scanned over it as well. "Here's here," She then pointed at Malfoy's name tag but it was in a place and with a person neither of them expected. He was in the boys' bathroom accompanied by Moaning Myrtle. They both paused and stared at the name tags of this unexpected pairing but snapped out of it when they walked into an armour suit. To avoid Filch, as it made a lot of noise, they quickly dashed away from the scene, hands locked together, and made the unspoken choice to see what Malfoy was doing with Moaning Myrtle. 

They listened with an ear on the door but they couldn't hear anything. As slowly and quietly as possible, Faith pushed open the door much to Harry's protest. Draco Malfoy was standing with his back facing the door, gripping onto a sink and his blond head bent low.

"Don't," Myrtle cried. "Don't ... tell me what's wrong ... I can help you ..."

"No one can help me," Malfoy said. His entire body was shaking. "I can't do it ... I can't ... it won't work ... and unless I do it soon ... he says he'll kill me ..."

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now