Chapter one-hundred-fifty-one

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"Harry, in here!" 

Harry shook himself from the heartbreaking thought, realising he had halted in his steps, completely frozen in the middle of the hallway whilst Fred and Percy charged at some Death Eaters further down the corridor with passionate battle cries.

"Let me go - Harry, please - I want to kill - let me help them -" Faith grunted as she thrashed around in his grip again. Her eyebrows were deeply furrowed in an expression of pure rage. 

Harry quickly ran towards where Hermione's voice called out to him and saw she and Ron were hidden behind a tapestry. Hermione was drying the tears from Ron's cheeks, he seemed as desperate to go and kill some Death Eaters as Faith was. Harry quickly put Faith down so she could stand and then pressed her against the wall, completely wrapping his arms around her so she couldn't run away.

"Faith, listen to me -"

"Let me go!" Faith said loudly, her voice much lower than it usually was. "Harry, will you let me go, I wanna kill - let me kill them -"

"Listen, Faith - LISTEN, FAITH!" Harry didn't mean to yell at her but he needed her to listen. She couldn't just waltz off to kill Death Eaters in pure rage. He pulled his arms from around her and cupped her cheeks so she could look at him. 

Tears were still shining in her eyes but they had darkened into fury. 

"Listen to me, Faith, we're the only ones who can end this, OK? Please - we need the snake, we've got to kill the snake and then it's just him - we can end it, Faith, please -"

Harry knew fully well that killing the snake wasn't going to bring Faith any of the satisfaction revenge would give her but killing off Death Eaters was useless if Voldemort was still alive. And he needed her with him so he was sure he wouldn't end up finding her body lifelessly staring up at the ceiling. 

"We will fight, OK?" Harry continued. "We'll fight our way to the snake, but we cannot lose sight of that goal, you understand? We're the only ones that can end all this,"

 A single tear fell down Harry's face too when he saw how the fury in her eyes slowly lessened and left just sadness in her gaze. This broke Faith entirely. Not only had she lost her brother at the start of the war, she now lost her mother too. Her hair that had been a mix of blue and red slowly faded from all colour until it was a darkest of grey. Grieving grey. 

"Stay with me, all right?" Harry asked her and waiting until she nodded softly. 

"We need to find where Voldemort is, because he'll have the snake with him, won't he? Do it, Harry - look inside him!" Hermione reminded them.

"Don't go," Harry whispered to Faith, barely audible over the screams of the battle. When Faith nodded again, he closed his eyes and with a surprising ease, he found himself looking through Voldemort's eyes. 

Faith panicked for a moment when she didn't see what Harry saw. She still heard the bangs and the yells of the battle outside the secret staircase behind the tapestry they were hiding behind. Harry's eyes were closed but his hands were still on her arms, holding her close so she wasn't going to slip away to murder some Death Eaters. 

About a minute later, Harry's eyes shot open again and he looked right into Faith's curious face.

"He's in the Shrieking Shack," Harry said with a gasp. "The snake's with him, it's got some sort of magical protection around it. He's just sent Lucius Malfoy to find Snape,"

"The coward's not even fighting?" Faith asked him, her voice rough from the crying. 

"He doesn't think he needs to fight," Harry said. "He thinks I'm going to go to him,"

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now