Chapter one-hundred

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Harry, Ron and Faith wasted no time in leaving the hospital wing Monday morning. They couldn't wait to finally walk through the castle again. The three were finally able to enjoy the after-effects of laying in the hospital wing for two nights, one of which was that everyone was much gentler, and another one was that Ron and Hermione were finally friends again. 

Hermione had enlightened the three about the fight Ginny had with Dean. It was about the fact that he laughed when Harry got hit by the Bludger. It made Faith want to give Dean a piece of her mind too but Harry calmed her down by simply giving her a kiss and telling her that she shouldn't pick fights with anyone when she just got released from the hospital wing.

"So you think I'll lose?" Faith asked indignantly as they strolled along the seventh floor hand in hand, past a painting of trolls dancing in tutus. 

"No, I think you'll win but end up with ten broken bones anyway," Harry said as he fondly watched the girl. 

Faith really couldn't fight that, knowing herself she probably would. 

The four friends passed a small girl holding heavy brass scales. When the girl saw them, her eyes widened and she dropped them to the floor, clattering loudly. 

"It's all right!" Hermione smiled sweetly hurrying to help the girl get them from the floor again. "Here ... reparo!" The broken scales were mended again but the girl didn't thank her as she quickly ran away. 

"I swear they're getting smaller," Ron mumbled as he watched the young girl go. 

"Harry!" Luna's voice suddenly called behind them. 

"Oh, hi, Luna," Harry smiled.

"I went to the hospital wing to find you," Luna said as she was rummaging through her bag. "But they said you'd left ..."

From her bag, she took a large green onion thing, a big spotted toadstool and an odd amount of something that looked like cat litter, and she gave it all to Ron to hold. At last, she took a small scroll from her bag and handed it to Harry. 

" ... I've been told to give you this,"

They all recognised it as a message from Dumbledore, probably for Harry's next lesson. 

"Tonight," Harry told the other three. 

"Nice commentary last match!" Ron complimented Luna. He had heard her from the hospital wing. She took the things from Ron's hands and put them back in her bag. 

"You're making fun of me, aren't you?" Luna asked sincerely. "Everyone says I was dreadful," She didn't seem to be very affected by the fact that everyone said that. 

"No, I'm serious!" Ron said eagerly. "I can't remember enjoying commentary more! What is this, by the way?" Ron held up the green onion thing.

"Oh, it's a Gurdyroot," She stated. "You can keep it if you like, I've got a few of them. They're really excellent for warding off Gulping Plimpies," And then she skipped away.

Faith liked Luna a lot. She was really sweet and honest and Ginny clearly liked her a lot too. And if Ginny liked someone, Faith knew she could trust them. It wasn't that Ginny disliked a lot of people, she just had a good sense of people's personalities, especially after what happened to her in her first year. 

"You, know, she's grown on me, Luna," Ron said when they finally descended down the stairs to the Great Hall. "I know she's insane, but it's in a good -"

Ron stopped talking when he saw Lavender at the bottom of the staircase. Safe to say, she didn't look very happy. 

"Hi," Ron said anxiously. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now