Chapter eighteen

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Faith woke up on Christmas morning by accidentally kicking one of the presents on the foot of the bed, off the bed. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up and made her hair morph into two braids, resting on her shoulders - that was one of the favourite things about her powers. 

"Merry Christmas, Faith," Hermione said who sat on the edge of her bed next to Faith's, she was already unpacking her presents. 

"Merry Christmas to you, too," Faith mumbled, not really awake yet. She looked around the dormitory and noticed that the other girls, except for a sleeping Fay Dunbar, had already left. Faith rubbed her eyes again and yawned before starting to unpack her presents. She got a green knitted jumper with a big F on it in red, of course from Mrs Weasley; her parents gave her a new quill set; Cedric got her a book on Quidditch history; Hermione got her a book called the Secrets of the Morphing Wizard, it was full of interesting things Metamorphmagi can do and how to; Ron gave her a big box of Every Flavor Beans, and Harry gave her a self-warming scarf which she immediately put on. 

After thanking each other for their presents - Faith gave Hermione a book about the history of house-elves - the two changed and met up with Harry and Ron for breakfast. The rest of the day went by quickly. Most of the students spent their day in the common room, sitting by the fire since it was quite cold. Earlier that week it had started snowing so near the end of the day, they went outside near the lake and had a snowball fight. Around five o'clock, Hermione announced that she was going to get ready for the ball.

"What, you need three hours?" Ron asked just before George threw a big snowball against the side of his face. "Who're you going with?" He yelled after but she just smiled and waved before walking off. "Aren't you supposed to get ready too, then?" Ron turned to Faith who was dodging a snowball coming from Fred. 

"My hair doesn't take as long," Faith told him, getting snow from the ground and forming into a ball, meant for Harry's face. "I bet my hair takes even less time than yours," As she sid that, and threw the snowball in Harry's direction, she morphed her hair into a half updo. "Done,"

At seven o'clock, it was time for them to get ready too so they went back to the common room. Faith met Hermione in their dormitories, she was busily straitening her hair and tying it in a knot at the back of her head. Faith started to redo her hair since it got messed up during the snowball fight, and at the same time, she melted all the snow that got into her neck with the self-warming scarf. 

Faith hung the scarf over the edge of her bed and went to get her red dress from her trunk. Her mum bought it for her in Diagon Alley when they were there to buy books for school. 

After Hermione and Faith were done, they went to the Entrance Hall, not bothering to wait for Harry and Ron. Faith's eyes scanned the hall, looking for Alex, and found him standing next to his brother who was happily talking to Hermione. Faith just remembered, she's never actually seen Viktor Krum talking, and seeing him like that with Hermione looked odd to her. Faith quickly walked over to them, as fast as her heels could take her. 

"Hey - wow," Alex greeted her as soon as she arrived. "You look really good," He complimented her.

"Thank you, same for you," Faith smiled.

"Eh, Viktor, this is Faith Diggory, Faith, this is my brother," Alex introduced them to each other, Viktor Krum held out his hand for Faith to shake which she did.

"Nice to meet you, 'aith," He had the same trouble with pronouncing her name like Alex had in the beginning. 

"Champions over here, please!" Professor McGonagall called so Viktor Krum and Hermione left towards her. Faith saw Harry walk by with Parvati Patil, the date he eventually arranged. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now