Chapter twenty-nine

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"Morning," Seamus said shortly to Faith before storming past her with a rather grumpy look. He looked like he just escaped his room. Dean followed shortly after.

"Have you seen Seamus?" He asked and Faith gestured where Seamus went, barely looking up from her book. "Thanks," He hurried after Seamus, leaving Faith on the common room couch, next to the fireplace. 

She had woken up early that morning, from a nightmare and the bruise on her back, so she decided to put some more ointment on it. It helped instantly but she couldn't fall asleep after that. The only solution was reading an incredibly boring book so she chose the book for History of Magic. If she could fall asleep during the lessons, the book would help for sure, but it didn't. Eventually, Faith gave up, got dressed, and took the book with her to the common room for some warmth by the fire. Might as well read it some more so she could have a valid excuse to fall asleep during Professor Binn's classes for at least three weeks. 

Faith finally closed the book when Harry and Ron came down the spiral staircase.

"Goodmorning," Ron greeted her with a yawn and saw down beside her. Harry took the chair. "How long have you been here?"

"Two hours," Faith sighed, stretching her back and neck from looking down at the book for so long. "I've been trying to fall asleep by reading about Giant Wars but it was surprisingly interesting so it didn't help,"

"Why did you wake up so early?" Harry asked. He, like every other student in the school, was still used to waking up late so he couldn't imagine voluntarily waking up two hours before necessary. 

"Nightmare and backpain," Faith answered pointing at the ointment on the table next to the book. Harry exhaled, looking at the tube. He still had no idea how it happened. And why it happened, three times. Faith had to go to the hospital wing twice, it couldn't be any good.

"What's wrong with your back?" Ron asked as he picked up the tube and examined the label. "Did you go to the hospital wing?" Faith nodded, just as Hermione sat down next to Ron on the couch. 

"Hospital wing?" She asked surprised, scaring Ron.

"Bloody hell ..."

"What were you doing at the hospital wing? And when?"

"Yesterday, after the Welcoming Feast," Faith said, looking at Harry and then back at Hermione and Ron. "Harry and I had ... er ... another flying apart episode," Hermione gasped. "I landed on the edge of the Gryffindor table and rolled over it. I don't know how Harry's fine considering he landed pretty hard too," Ron hissed with a displeased face. 

"That's the third time this has happened," Hermione noticed alarmed. "Do you have any idea why this is happening? I've never read anything like this!" Both Harry and Faith shook their head. "Maybe there's something in the library about it," Hermione then suggested. "I'll do some research this afternoon," Of course, they could have expected that. They haven't even had one lesson, they hadn't even received their timetables, and she already needed the library. Classic Hermione.

The four decided to go to breakfast now, feeling hungry. Harry and Ron told the two girls about how Seamus and his mum didn't believe Harry and Dumbledore. Faith and Hermione told on their turn that Lavender had been saying that too. Harry then proceeded to take his anger out on them but Hermione reasoned not to do that so when they arrived at the Great Hall, the air seemed a little tense. They walked along the Gryffindor table to find a seat until the familiar black girl with long braided hair approached them.

"Hi Angelina," Harry greeted her.

"Hi," She said quickly as if she was in a hurry. "Good summer?" She looked at both Harry and Faith but didn't wait for their answer. "Listen, I've been made Gryffindor Quidditch Captain," She told them. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now