Chapter fifty-five

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The rest of the morning, Faith didn't leave her bedroom. She also didn't stop crying the entire time. She was so ecstatic about seeing Cedric again and being able to talk to him. She told him about everything that had happened since he died and he told her about his last moments. Even Cedric teared up a little after seeing Faith bawl by the last memory he had. 

Faith was so happy. She has never felt like that before. The only thing that could come even close to this was when Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup in her third year. Butterflies swarmed in her tummy almost constantly and her limbs felt like they were laying on a fluffy cloud. 

By the end of the morning, Faith's throat was sore and her cheeks were puffy. Her jaw hurt from all the smiling and giggling and her tummy grumbled from hunger. She decided it was best to get dressed and have lunch with the others. She really wanted to stay with Cedric longer but he urged her to go claiming he wasn't going anywhere. Faith wanted to say that that was what she thought last time but realised it was better not to start crying again. 

She got dressed in the knitted jumper from Mrs Weasley and some comfy pants and went downstairs. Everyone was already getting ready for lunch so Faith quickly sat down to, Harry on her left side and her mum on her right. Everyone looked at her, eyes went immediately to her green-ish hair. 

"What does green mean?" Harry whispered to Ron who was seated next to him. 

"Happiness," Ron answered. "I think she's bloody in love with us now,"

"Goodmorning, sweetie," Her mum said with a smile as she squeezed her hand. "Had a good time catching up?" 

Faith nodded with a giggle. She turned to look at Harry and found that he was already eying her with a broad smile. She returned it. She still was not able to stop smiling. 

She knew that portraits are limited in portraying their previous life and that she probably shouldn't get too attached but she felt like she was allowed to for today. The amount of knowledge the portraits have depends on the enchanter which was, in this case, her mum so Faith had confidence in what Cedric was able to do and say. 

"Merry Christmas, Faith," Hermione said from across the table. "Thanks a lot for the book about knitting patterns!"

"You thanks for the planner, I really needed that," Faith smiled. She honestly did, but maybe with a little more closure, she'd do better at school. 

After lunch, they decided to pay Mr Weasley a visit. They were getting escorted by Lupin and Mad-Eye. The Underground was not running during Christmas so Mundungus had 'borrowed' a car and used a spell to enlarge it on the inside but still make it seem normal on the outside. Mr and Mrs Diggory stayed behind with Sirius to keep him company. 

The ride towards St Mungo's was brief since there was close to no traffic on the roads. Mundungus parked the car around the corner and stayed there to wait for them to come back. When they entered the hospital, Faith and Harry immediately noticed a change from the last time they were there. It was now decorated with Christmas trees and fake snow and ice. On every door was holly and the orbs with candles were now red and gold. 

"Family argument, eh?" The blonde witch behind the desk asked the patient in front of her. "You're the third I've seen today ... Spell Damage, fourth floor,"

They walked past the desk, directly to Mr Weasley's ward where they found him having turkey dinner on his lap and a rather sheepish expression. 

"Everything all right, Arthur?" Mrs Weasley asked when they greeted him and gave him some presents. 

"Fine, fine," Mr Weasley said. Faith didn't believe him. "You - er - haven't seen Healer Smethwyck, have you?"

"No," Mrs Weasley glared at her husband. "Why?"

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now