Chapter one-hundred-thirty-one

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Over the course of the day, the three stayed watch outside, each taking their turn every couple of hours. When it was close to midnight, Hermione finally took over Faith's watch so Faith could snuggle up with Harry in his bed for the first time in so long. 

They didn't get much sleep but it was only partially their fault. At first, Harry had been too busy giving Faith a warm welcome back with him in his bed but when they were actually trying to sleep, both of them kept waking up when they just fell into a slumber because they could swear they heard someone call out their names over the wind. 

When they finally had enough and got a little too paranoid, they got out of bed and joined Hermione outside, making plans to leave the forest and travel to a new one. 

"We'll go somewhere more sheltered," Hermione nodded when they suggested the idea. "I kept thinking I could hear people moving outside. I even thought I saw somebody once or twice,"

Both Harry and Faith halted in their steps for a moment as they glanced at the still Sneakoscope on the table. 

"I'm sure I imagined it," Hermione quickly said, "the snow in the dark, it plays tricks on your eyes ... but perhaps we ought to Disapparate under the Invisibility Cloak, just in case?"

About half an hour later, they had packed up the tent, Faith was wearing the Horcrux around her neck, much to Harry's protest, and they stood under the Invisibility Cloak whilst Faith camouflaged herself to the tree she stood in front of. 

Hermione Disapparated them to another forest where they put up the tent again. The three of them spent most of the day inside, huddled around a blue flame that Hermione conjured and kept in a jar. Since Faith and Hermione knew that Harry had been sick, they took the best care of him, not letting him guard outside for too long so he won't get sick again.

In the two nights that they stayed there, none of the three got much sleep. Hermione usually took on the watch outside whilst Harry and Faith tried their best to fall asleep but due to the extreme cold, they never could for long.

Throughout the days and nights, they were approximately every sweater they owned to get some of the warmth they needed. They were slowly running out of ways to make themselves warm so at some point Faith started to joke about her and Harry having some fun in their bed to warm themselves. The thought alone made Harry's cheeks flush crimson red and warmed his lower belly, so when Faith noticed that, she made sure to make inappropriate jokes like that every time she saw him shivering from the cold. 

It worked like a charm.

On the third night, Harry and Faith forced Hermione to go inside so she could finally get some sleep. They were taking her watch this time, killing the time in the icy cold with playing the most random games they could think of. The two kept each other warm by cuddling together as close as possible so, at some point, Harry was leaning back against Faith's chest, sitting between her legs whilst she had her arms and legs wrapped around him to keep him close. They were just lazily enjoying being in each other's presence again since they were so starved of it the weeks before Godric's Hollow. 

Harry was playing with Faith's fingers, holding her hand out in front of them to see if it would get engulfed in the darkness that surrounded them whilst she pressed kisses to the top of his head and let out a giggle every once in a while when his touch tickled her. 

Faith was surprised Harry was in such an upbeat mood since he had sneakily taken the locket Horcrux from her the night before and was still wearing it. It was as if it didn't affect him as severely as it did before. Maybe their curse was stronger than the Dark Magic in the locket, though Faith highly doubted that was it. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now