Chapter one-hundred-two

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The following weekend, Ron and Hermione went with the other sixth-years that were or turned seventeen before the test to Hogsmeade for extra practice. Harry and Faith stayed behind and visited the seventh-floor corridor again.

This time they knew Malfoy was there because Gregory Goyle was standing guard, disguised as a small girl again. They scared him away from under the Invisibility Cloak and then proceeded to try and get into the Room of Requirement but without luck. Faith even tried to turn the Room into the small pillow-y space like last time but it didn't work. 

The weeks that followed did not give them any more clues on what Malfoy was doing and Harry also still didn't succeed in taking the memory from Slughorn. The sky was getting clearer, announcing summer's approach so more often than not the four Gryffindors sat outside under the tree by the lake. 

"For the last time, just forget about Malfoy," Hermione told Harry when they sat outside once again. Hermione and Ron were taking their Apparition test that afternoon so they were both busy reading through Ministry leaflets about common mistakes when Apparating.

Ron was quick to hide behind Hermione when a girl approached them.

"It isn't Lavender," Hermione sighed. 

"Oh, good," Ron said relieved.

"Harry Potter?" The girl asked. "I was asked to give you this," She handed him a scroll which he took with a frown.

"Thanks ..." He mumbled, waiting for the girl to be out of earshot. "Dumbledore said we wouldn't be having any more lessons until I got the memory!"

"Maybe he wants to check on how you're doing?" Faith shrugged as she leaned over his shoulder to read the small piece of parchment. The handwriting was clearly not Dumbledore's, it was sloppy and in some spots, the ink had run out due to very big drops of water, probably tears.

Dear, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Faith,
Aragog died last night. Harry and Ron, you met him, and you know how special he was. Hermione and Faith, I know you'd have liked him. It would mean a lot to me if you'd nip down for the burial later this evening. I'm planning on doing it round dusk, that was his favourite time of the day. I know you're not supposed to be out that late, but you can use the Cloak. Wouldn't ask but I can't face it alone.

"Isn't Aragog that big spider creature that tried to eat you two?" Faith asked with a disgusted frown. 

"He's mental!" Ron exclaimed. "That thing told his mates to eat Harry and me! Told them to help themselves! And now Hagrid expects us to go down there and cry over its horrible hair body!"

"It's not just that," Hermione said. "He's asking us to leave the castle at night, and he knows security's a million times tighter and how much trouble we'd be in if we were caught,"

"We've been down to see him by night before," Harry shrugged.

"Yes, but for something like this?" Hermione did not fancy going at all. "We've risked a lot to help Hagrid out, but after all - Aragog's dead. If it were a question of saving him -"

"- I'd want to go even less," Ron said. "You didn't meet him, Hermione. Believe me, being dead will have improved him a lot,"

Faith noticed how Harry was staring down at the note. Hagrid had clearly been crying a lot when he wrote it and Harry couldn't help but feel a lot of sympathy for him, despite the fact that he loathed the creature Aragog. 

"You considering going, aren't you?" Faith asked him. "Me too,"

Harry looked up with a small smile. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now