Chapter one-hundred-thirty

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"Quickly, set up the tent!" Hermione cried out as she fell to her knees beside Harry's unconscious body. Faith stared at him in shock as he was thrashing around. She felt how his head was hurting by the fury that Voldemort must feel now. "Quickly, Faith!"

"Right," Faith stammered as she Summoned the large tent from the beaded bag that Hermione threw on the ground. With one simple incantation, the tent erected into the air, just as Hermione used the Hover Charm to lift Harry into the air. 

It was dark and cold in the forest but once they got inside a wave of warmth fell over them. Hermione put dropped Harry onto one of the lower bunk beds and then Summoned her beaded bag from outside. 

Faith was quick to kneel beside Harry's bed and feel his forehead. It was burning up, like he was getting ill. 

"Any injuries?" Hermione asked, leaning over Faith to check. 

Faith took out her wand and with a wave over Harry's body, he transfigured into himself again. Faith took deep breaths to calm herself down and so she could see if she felt any of his injuries but the amount of adrenaline that flowed through her veins clouded any sense of pain. 

"The locket maybe," Faith mumbled in a hurry and she cut down Harry's sweater and shirt with her wand to get to the locket since it was near impossible to take off his shirt if he was laying down like this. "The locket was beating, like a heart, when Bathilda faced him,"

Faith put her hand on the locket to take it off his chest but just moments before she did she could already tell there was something wrong with it. From the way Harry was laying down, it should slide off his chest but instead, it just laid there. Faith grabbed onto it and tried to lift it but it wouldn't separate from Harry's skin. As she pulled slightly she felt the weird feeling on her own chest. 

"Oh, my God, oh, my God," Faith mumbled in panic. 

"Why is it doing that?" Hermione gasped. 

"It won't come off!" Faith exclaimed with a gulp. "Why - what the hell - why is it -?" She couldn't form any words anymore. 

"Let me," Hermione said hurriedly.

Faith quickly stood up and let Hermione lean over Harry's chest to get the thing off. After a little pulling and muttering a couple of spells, Hermione looked back up at Faith with a frown that was not a good sign.

"This is going to hurt," Hermione told her. "For you too, I reckon, if you feel the pulling,"

Faith nodded, staring at Harry's pale face. As long as he was going to be OK, she'd do anything. 

"Take off your sweater, I'll be able to heal it immediately," Hermione nodded at her and Faith quickly obliged, taking off the travelling coat she had been wearing and the thick red sweater under it, exposing her chest where they could see red burn marks on the exact place the locket was on Harry's chest. 

Hermione positioned her wand right underneath the locket, sharing a look with Faith for a moment who nodded encouragingly, and then muttering the Severing Charm. Faith bit her lip not to yelp from the stinging pain that formed in an oval on her chest. She looked down and saw a cut in the shape of an oval, bleeding around the edges. When she looked back up she saw Hermione put the locket aside on a small table and she flicked her wand at it to clean it from the blood that was possibly on it but Faith didn't see as much as a drop. 

Another flick of Hermione's wand caused the small cut on Harry's chest to mend nicely and when Faith looked down her own chest she saw how the cut was now a reddish scar. 

"Come here," Hermione motioned Faith to sit down on the armchair closest to Harry's bed and she did, not even realising she was shivering from the cold. Hermione muttered some incantations that almost completely faded the scar away (when Faith looked at Harry she saw his mark wasn't fading away) and healed the cut on her cheek. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now