Chapter sixty-seven

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"You're late," Snape remarked as Harry closed the door behind him and Faith. 

He stood with his back to the, storing his thoughts and memories in the Pensieve as usual. When the last silver string of thought disappeared in the stone basin, Snape turned to face the two Gryffindors.

"So," He said. "Have you been practising?"

"Yes," Harry said, completely avoiding eye-contact. Faith nodded in agreement. Technically they did, just not on the times when it was necessary. 

"Well, we'll soon find out, won't we?" Snape said coolly, not believing a word either of them said. "Wand out, Potter. Diggory, you're not allowed to help Potter this time,"

Faith rolled her eyes and sat down on the chair she usually sat at. These Occlumency lessons were tiring her. Always seeing Harry's memories but not being permitted to help Harry get Snape out of his mind. She was basically told to just sit back and enjoy the show each lesson. Snape did say it wasn't mandatory for her so maybe she just simply didn't need it. 

"On the count of three then," Snape said, already bored. "One - two -"

Suddenly the door flew open and Malfoy hurried in.

"Professor Snape, sir - oh - sorry -"

Faith felt some kind of satisfaction, hearing Malfoy apologize even though it wasn't to her or Harry, but that feeling left as soon as she felt Malfoy's mocking gaze on her and Harry. 

"It's all right, Draco," Snape lowered his wand. "Potter and Diggory are here for a little remedial Potions,"

Malfoy looked so pleased with that, Faith wanted to hit him square in the face.

"I didn't know," Malfoy was almost snickering. 

"Well, Draco, what is it?" Snape questioned.

"It's Professor Umbridge, sir - she needs your help," Malfoy told him. "They've found Montague, sir, he's turned up jammed inside a toilet on the fourth floor,"

"How did he get in there?" Snape asked.

"I don't know, sir, he's a bit confused,"

"Very well, very well. Potter, Diggory," Snape turned his attention towards them, "we shall resume this lesson tomorrow evening,"

He marched out of his office. Malfoy mouthed 'remedial Potions?' at the two with a big cocky grin before disappeared after Snape. 

Harry pocketed his wand. 

"Well, at least we'll have twenty-four more hours to practise," Harry said with a sigh.

"Yeah, that and Malfoy'll tell the entire school we take remedial Potions," Faith said irritated by Malfoy. 

Why out of all people in this entire school, did he have to barge in right at the same time as their pretend remedial Potions?

Faith stood up and walked towards the Pensieve. Since the first lesson, she was curious about what it exactly was and how it worked. Harry explained it the best he could but she wasn't satisfied. She wanted to see this thing up close.

"So you store memories in here?" Faith asked Harry who was still by the door. 

"Yeah, so you can revisit them later," Harry told her and he walked over too. They stared into the silver mass of Snape's last memory. The lights reminded them of the lights they saw in their dream, in the high room full of racks stacked with orbs.

"And this is what Snape doesn't want us to see?"

Harry nodded. What Snape didn't want them to see if they fought back and invaded his mind, like that time they saw him as a kid. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now