Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️

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I realize I've been doing a lot of Angst... I'M SORRY I'M JUST ALWAYS SAD

Warnings: Swearing

3rd Person POV

Ryu <3

"Hey bub :))"


"Are you mad at me?"

"What did I do? I'm sorry if I did something.."

"Jesus Y/n leave me alone, you're so fucking clingy"

"I'm sorry"

"I didn't mean to bug you"

"You are so fucking annoying"

"Text someone else for once"


"I will"

~The next day at school~

Y/n walked down the hallway, along with a few other kids, with their hands in their pockets. They hug their head low and kept their mouth shut.

"Hey babe!" An arm wrapped around Y/n's shoulders.

Without hesitation Y/n shoved Ryu's arm off of them.

"Woah what's wrong?" Tanaka asked his s/o.

"Leave me alone" Y/n softly mumbled.

"What did I do?" Tanaka stopped walking and grabbed Y/n's arm to stop them too.

"You are so fucking stupid Ryu" Y/n ripped their arm away from Tanaka.

"What the fuck was that for?!" Tanaka's eyes widened.

"No what the fuck was with you and last night? I just wanted to ask you how your day was and you told me I was fucking annoying and clingy!" A couple tears fell from Y/n's eyes.

"I-" Tanaka began.

"No" Y/n shook their head "Leave me alone"

Y/n turned away from the boy and quickly walked off with a couple tears streaming down their beautiful face.

There was no way in hell Y/n was going to let a stupid boy make her feel like shit; even if she loved him with all her heart.

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