Chapter 36

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Even though I took the brand off of me, I still couldn't sleep. Michael haunted my mind regardless and after my shoulder went back to normal, the nightmares started again.

Thrashing under the sheets, I gasped awake. Lucifer was already up, saying something I couldn't grasp. My eyes darted around the room and landed on the sheets, stained in red.

"The sheets," I gasped. "That's my blood."

"Virago, there's no blood."

Sitting up, I threw the sheets off of me. I couldn't breathe. What happened to my lungs? The room grew cold. Running my hands over my body, I shivered.

"It hurts," I sobbed. "My body hurts, I can't stop bleeding."

Blood poured from under me. Spreading my legs, I screamed at the damage Michael made. "It happened again!"

"Virago." Lucifer cupped my face. "Look at me, breathe with me."

"B-but he touched me again!" I sobbed.

Lucifer's lips trembled. Tears appeared in the corner of his eyes. "No, baby, he didn't touch you. You've been in my arms all night. Now, listen to me, okay? You can get through this. Just breathe in and hold it, okay?"

I glanced at the sheets.

"Virago," Lucifer said. "Just look at me, nothing else."

Gulping, I did just that and inhaled. He breathed with me. Inhaling, holding it in, then exhaling. We repeated it until my heartbeat and breathing went back to normal.

"Virago," Lucifer whispered, "you're okay, there's no blood."

"N-no blood?"

Looking between my legs again, I smiled. He was right. Lucifer pulled the blanket and wrapped it around me. I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Thank you," I said lethargically.

Lucifer ran his hand up and down my back. "Of course. You're so strong, Virago."

"I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Don't be," he whispered. "You're more important to me than sleep."

Snaking my arms around him, I gently rested my hands against his bandages. He smelled so nice. His skin felt warm. I know I'm home now, but being in his arms makes me feel more at home than ever.

Yawning, I slowly laid back in bed. Lucifer pulled me in close against him.

"If I wake up like that again," I said in a hushed tone, "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize for anything." Lucifer cupped my cheek, kissing my forehead. "How are you feeling?"



"The same."

Lucifer nodded. He pushed some strands of my hair back behind my ear. "I know things are rough now, but you'll get through this. And I'll always be by your side to help."

"Thank you."

He kissed the tip of my nose. "Of course."

But it continued. Every night was the same. Nightmares, hallucinations, crying. Sometimes Lucifer found me awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with dark circles under my eyes, staring out the window. This continued until the day we had to fight Michael. Just hours until I have to make the pendants to protect my family's presence. Hours before I face him again.

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