Chapter 8

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A/N: The sex scene in here was uh...I personally thought it was really explicit. I even considered taking it out. Shoutout to Tanya3231 for convincing me to keep it in. xD Also, many of you seemed to enjoy the chapter with 4k words so here are another 4k words. xD

Vira: What was it, Gluttony?

Kid Gluttony: *eating fries* Potatoes might be the secret recipe to fries!


All my life, whenever someone told me I should go to Hell, I thanked them with gratitude. What I wish I knew was that Hell was boring. Even if I could go outside, there was no point since there's nothing out there. Just wandering souls, Demon animals, and dried up nature. A Demon bird landed by my window one day, it's body was inside out but still functional. I screamed until Lucifer had to shoo it away. Now that I think about it, I ended up laughing at the way I responded. Poor little bird.

My friends were beyond worried for me. I couldn't blame them. My disappearance was so sudden and they hate Lucifer for taking me away from them. Eventually, I said that he was protecting me from some bad guy and they quickly understood.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us, Vira," Jaz cried on the phone. "I'll help Lucifer beat that guy's fucking ass!"

"This is why we can't see you?" asked Yesenia from the other line. "I went to Lucifer's manor but no one answered the door."

"Oh, Yesenia," I sighed. "Please, don't do that again. It's not safe. Michael could be anywhere. I don't want you two to get hurt."

"Girl, let him find me!" Jaz shouted. "Imma make sure he leaves you alone!"

"I second that!" Yesenia said.

If only they knew Michael was an Angel. We hung up an hour after that.

It was easy to lie to Mami. I told her I signed up for the winter semester so she thinks I'm focusing on my studies. If she knew what happened, she'd take the next flight back here. So I'm gonna continue making her remain oblivious to my situation. She should continue having her fun. Lucifer sent some Demons to patrol around her area and my friends in case Michael wants to use them in his plans.

Cali and I have been talking on the phone every day. I really need to hang out with her. We could drink wine and talk about life like middle-aged women. I technically am anyway but in a young body.

As I explored the castle, I found myself at the entrance. A huge chandelier hung above my head. Little Demon, fairy-like creatures were cleaning the dust off the crystals. They waved at me. Giggling, I waved back.

Ever since I woke up after getting my memories back, my vision has become clearer than ever before. One of the perks of being reborn as a Witch I guess. We don't get inhuman eye colors during our first lives, but after we're reborn, we do. It's like a medal for...I don't know...achieving death? However, when we use our powers in our first lives, our eyes do change color, they just turn back when we're done.

The entrance door opened, revealing my first baby as he walked into the castle. Pride smiled, taking his leather jacket off and handing it to the Demon fairies. "Hey, Mother, you doing good?"

The fairies carried his jacket into a large closet. I nodded and grinned widely. "Yeah. Wanna explore with me?"

"Sure. Father probably changed some stuff while I was gone so I guess I could use an update."


We headed into the first door. This could be the drawing-room if I'm not mistaken. It looked like a place to chill, take a nap, or drink some tea. A statue of a roaring lion sat proudly in the middle, facing the exit. Pride and I started snooping around, trying to see if any secret doors would open after we lifted things up or opened drawers. Pero nada. (But nothing.)

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